Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.
LIFE USED TO BE DIFFERENT: Alice Golovchenko, 10a
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- Перегляди: 879
The School Years of My Parents
Pupils of the 80s and pupils of nowadays are different. Our parents were more diligent, went to school in any weather conditions, in any condition, we are more fortunate. It has seemed very interesting to me to ask my parents a couple of questions to find out what the difference between schools of different years is.
Did you find it easy to study? Were you an excellent student? What medal did you graduate with ?
Mother: Learning used to be easy. In elementary school I used to be an excellent student, graduated from school with 3 fours.
Father: Yes, I used to be an excellent student and graduated from high school with a silver medal. Learning used to be easy.
Did you often cheat?
Mother: I didn’t often сheat. I shared with classmates. Someone knew mathematics better, someone knew English. Let’s say, my friend knew chemistry well and she would help me with it, and I knew physics better and used to help her.
Father: Most classmates would copy my home tasks.
Were your parents invited to school? Were you called to the headmaster’s office to be punished for misbehavior ?
Mother: No.
Father: No.
Did you have a school uniform?
Mother: Yes, the school uniform used to be the same for everyone. I would wear a brown dress and a black apron for every day, a white apron used to be ceremonial. Every year I came up with styles for dresses to stand out and my mother used to sew them for me.
Father: Yes, we used to have a school uniform, it consisted of a blue suit and a white shirt.
Were you a member of self-government?
Mother: Yes. I also used to be a class leader.
Father: Yes, I didn’t use to be only a member, I used to be the chairman of self-government.
Favorite/not favorite subject.
Mother: All subjects were favorite, but most of all I used to like the literature and mathematics, that was taught by Skorniakova Luidmila Semenovna, thanks to whоm I entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.
Father: Hard question... Favorite was history, but unloved ... geography. My mother studied from 1978 to 1988 at Nikolaev School 53. My dad studied from 1980 to 1990 at Nikolaev School 7.
I am grateful for such an interesting task, thanks to which my parents once again remembered the school years, and I listened to new stories.