Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

POETRY CONTEST: перевод Анастасия Курпиевич

In a closet sullen, in a quiet hall
translated by Anastasia Kuprievich 10C

In a closet sullen, in a quiet hall
On shelves BOOKS died.
No, not bad they were,
And simply people forgot them.
Beginning to beat in the "internet" gave,
They were simply no longer read.
Quiet pages turned yellow,
Where wisdom of all centuries is kept,
And without still human love, caring
Binding breathed a dust.
Kind, books are naive were -
Did not know that they were loved no longer.
They all waited, waited, waited.
Still human hands remembered.
And during night persons dreamed to them,
Those, that inclined above a page.
Comfortable lamp light highly
And drops of apple juice,
Flower dried up, forgotten,
Ticket in a theatre, that was a book-mark,
Track of finger from a candy sweet.
And coveys of marks-marks -
Tracks of meditations, secret marks,
Left by a pencil.
"Ah, how it was good"! -
They breathed. And after a window
The wretched world gulped down a scoop
"Vidos" from a virtual "fig",
What, brothers, to the devil, books,
Where dullness spouts everywhere!
In a closet sullen, in a quiet hall
On the shelves of BOOK died…