Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.


Kate Korolenko

Distance learning turned out to be not so simple, as we counted on, and during this time we confronted many problems. Involuntarily, we compare other teachers and their methods of presenting material in this difficult period. However, our English teacher does her best. First of all, her organization stands out. Our lessons are planned and scheduled, we know what the topic of this and the next lessons is. I find it very useful that we also have deadlines with convenient runtimes. Also, her responsibility, because unlike many other teachers, Maria Evgenievna attaches files with a clear explanation of topics and assignments. She was also ready to explain the material to the student separately and constantly asked questions to make sure that we understand the topic.

But still, one of the main difficulties that confronted me was getting used to this kind of education. Previously, in the classroom, we could check the assignment together and the mistakes were explained, now I feel insecure about each sentence. Moreover, I kind of miss our creative work, group assignments and projects that we performed earlier.

Talking about other teachers during distance learning, I can say that many of them, on the contrary, should learn from Maria Evgenievna.