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ROLE MODELS: A ROLE MODEL by Kira Mykhlchuk, 8d

By Kira Mykhlchuk, 8d

Everyone has a role model to admire and be inspired to make a decision. Being a celebrity is responsible, a huge number of people strive to imitate you. For me, Tina Karol is a good role model.

Tina Karol is the brightest Ukrainian pop star. The actress is actively doing charity work and giving concerts to which an army of thousands of fans comes. Then they start to follow her and I am no exception. Tatyana is a very pretty and good person. She has a family that consists of a son and a husband. She also has a strong character. She is smart and wellread, as many interviews confirm. She started with a music school and institute. Thanks to her obstinacy and perseverance, she gained the first glory in 2005.

However, as they say, not all of us are perfect. Firstly, Tina was egoistic towards the former producer, with whom she had a falling out due to inattention. Secondly, she is boastful and chatty in words when she wants to exaggerate. However, I want to clarify that in spite of her shortcomings, she brings up her son well. He's a wellmannered and restrained young man. Although the boy's father died at the age of five his mother did not give up, but became even more strong-willed and helped her son to cope with the loss.

As for me, Tina Karol is a very appropriate role model. She behaves like an ordinary person, does not pant on stage. And it's nice to imitate that celebrity who remains down to earth. That is why I think that Tatiana is worth both her audience and respect.

https://24smi.org/celebrity/231-tina-karol.html; https://uznayvse.ru/znamenitosti/biografiyatina-karol.html