Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.
DARK SIDES OF SPORT: Alice Golovchenko, 11f
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Alice Golovchenko, 11f
Sport is certainly an integral part of our health and life. Everyone is connected with it in different ways: someone is engaged in dancing, someone works out in the gym, someone plays volleyball, and someone runs in the morning. But like everything in our life, sport has its light and dark side. Naturally, the light side is much larger, but it's also interesting to think about the dark side.
First, of course, it is an injury. Sport is very traumatic and dangerous, because improper weight lifting, for example, can lead to very serious problems, unsuccessful fall to broken leg, arm, back, etc. In old age it will be remembered. I understand this well, because already now my bones on my legs hurt when I walk a lot or just "in the weather", because I was engaged in one of the most traumatic sports - figure skating. The injuries did not pass by, and therefore I still have acquaintances in the city's hospitals - surgeons who are scared when they see me in the corridor near their office.
Secondly, there is lack of time. Sport takes a lot of time and effort. You need to go to training, which takes a lot of time, and after training you feel like a squeezed lemon and it is very difficult to sit down to do lessons. Interruptions even of 2 weeks will knock you out of the way and you need to start training anew: DOMS, and in general it will be difficult to go back in. Big sport generally takes all the time, training more than 12 hours, competitions, tournaments.
As strange as it may sound, corruption is also present in sports. Unfortunately, not all tournaments and competitions are won by the really worthy, but the children whose parents are payable or are friends, relatives of the judges. This is terrible, because really talented children, whose parents do not have such an opportunity, stop believing in themselves and close down.
All in all, the main disadvantage of sports is a broken character, especially among gymnasts. It is impossible to live forever in competition and fear of losing. Nevertheless sport draws you in and you want to take more weight, do more sets, try new exercises. Sport is life, and despite all its shortcomings, it cannot be deleted from life. Everything has its drawbacks, but sports will bring you a lot more benefits.