Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

DARK SIDES OF SPORT: Angelina Dikina, 11a

Angelina Dikina, 11a

I believe that sports can really be harmful. It especially concerns, for example, a person who is already a master of sports and simply cannot stop and get rid of the desire to defeat everyone. If an athlete is suddenly injured and can no longer play sports, then his life will simply be over. For a person like this, going in for sports is not just a part of life, but whole life.

On the other hand, these same people, in spite of all the injuries that do not allow them to do what they love, still continue to go towards the goal until the disease finally forces them to leave the sport. This also applies to ordinary people. Careless movement can kill or cripple a person forever. Many skydivers have crashed to death or lost body parts.

The sad fact is that coaches are also to blame for the harm caused by sports. They, like an athlete, no less, want the best results and sometimes it crosses all boundaries. When I was doing rhythmic gymnastics, our coach lined us up and made us jump on rope until our faces turned red, but the worst childhood memory is when I broke my toe and my coach didn't believe me and said that I was just lazy and didn't want to practice.

That is why I prefer doing sport just for pleasure when you do not need to strive for the first place by hurting yourself, but you just need to keep yourself in shape.