Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

THE DARK SIDES OF SPORT: Kate Korolenko, 11a

Kate Korolenko, 11a

Seems like now the universal beliefs that sport is great for both mental and physical health are heard from every corner — that it has become an integral part of the life of modern youth. Undoubtedly, this is so, but, I'm sure, each of us has repeatedly had a question: what secrets and dark sides does sport conceal behind a good impact on human life and health?

Obviously, the sport itself, and especially extreme sports, involve danger and risk to life. In almost any sport, there is a possibility of injury, which doesn't always even depend on whether a person is involved in sports professionally or whether they are a beginner. Many famous athletes, who have been in sports for many years, are injured because of carelessness, sometimes so seriously that they can lead to lethal consequences.

Unfortunately, not all sports have an equal price, and not all people can afford what they like. Take, for example, tennis, which is usually started by people who live in abundance, since equipment, hiring a coach and renting a site suitable for this sport are not cheap.

One of the main problems of big sport has always been and still is the problem of addictions. Athletes are often so blinded by the desire to win and become famous that they forget about moral principles and their own health. We are talking about doping and similar stimulants. Some athletes are so involved in the destructive atmosphere of the competition that they will do anything to win, which I consider unfair and incredibly stupid.

Summing up, I want to say that sport has both good and bad sides, the latter of which are often hidden from the human eye. My advice to you is: exercise, but be aware and don't forget about the risks and disadvantages of this type of activity!