Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE:Julia Gurtova, 8b

by Julia Gurtova, 8b


For many years in Epirus there have been legends about man who brings death everybody whom he touches. Once or twice a month people disappear and police don’t know who has taken them away, so they say that it has been “a man in black”. Somebody says that it is Than Atos, Greek God of death. He left Gates of Death and went to search for lost souls.


Sally is ordinary person, who each day goes to work and back, she doesn’t have family or friends and if one day she disappears nobody will notice it. But recently she has seen something strange. Every night when Sally is sleeping she sees a man in black in her dreams. She doesn’t know him.

Today Sally is going to work as always, she doesn’t suspect that this day is special…


Thanatos is sitting on the armchair in his luxury hotel room. But suddenly his glance falls on an old manuscript with names… “Oh, I must finish my work, who is the next on the list?” – thinks God of death. He stands up, takes his coat and hat and walks away.


Today is a usual busy day at the office. Everybody is running somewhere and the phone is constantly ringing. Sally is a secretary in mayor’s office, it isn’t work of her life, but she is can’t leave it. She answers all calls and helps people who want to see mayor. Today again.

When all other staff went back home she understood that it was 10pm and no buses went. So she walked home along. She was so tired.

It was a bitterly cold night. It was raining heavily. Sally was walking along the empty road and tears were running down her face. She reached a street lamp and stopped there. She didn’t want to go home, or anywhere else, she is along, nobody love and wait her, maybe she must die? She was soaked to the skin this didn’t seem to bother her. Suddenly she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. Surprised, she turned around. In the pale yellow light she saw a stranger. He was wearing clothes as black as night, but his face was kind and calm. It was man from her dreams.

-Today you must go with me, – said he quietly, - you don’t have anything to do in this word.
-Who are you? – asked Sally.
-I’m the person who will show you doorway to another world.

And Sally went with him to Gates of death.


Gates of Death – Брама Смерті в Домі Аїда в Епирі. За давньогрецькою міфологією саме там знаходиться другий вихід з підземного царства.
Greek God of death – мається на увазі права рука бога підземного царства Аїда (сам Аїд не є богом смерті). Танатос син Нікти і Ереба богів темряви й тумани відповідно. Він стереже Браму Смерті зі сторони підземного царства.
Lost souls – люди без явної цілі у житті, ті хто «просто існує».