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IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Victor Sharga, 8b

by Victor Sharga, 8b

  Jake and Bill were siblings. They became farmers one year before when they had built their farm on an island. Brothers bred valuable black silky sheep. They had a herd of 500 sheep. Their business blossomed and their sheep bred well. There was plenty of grazing space and sheep were gaining weight well. Farmers sold wool and meat and made good profits.

But unexpectedly, sheep began to disappear, one at a time. They disappeared in a strange way, at night and quietly. Dogs didn’t bark.

Brothers decided to set up an ambush. Jake and Bill were walking through the moonless forest. The snow was falling silently around them. It was about midnight and they were feeling tired. They looked through their binoculars at the sheepfold hoping to see something. Suddenly, Jake stopped. What happened made his hair stand up. A strange creature approached the sheepfold. It was large, about the size of a bear, and resembled a dog. It had a scary muzzle. The creature was grey. Dogs looked at it quietly. It grabbed a lamb and ran away. “There it is,” he whispered to Bill. Slowly he raised his gun, aimed at the dark shape, then fired. Sadly, he missed his shot.

Brothers ran after the creature. They caught up with it, but Jake missed his shot again and the creature managed to escape. Fortunately, it fell into a bear trap. Brothers shot it with a tranquilizer and called the police.

As it turned out later, the creature was a mutant wolf. 3 years ago, a train with radioactive waste had derailed causing the wolf to mutate.

The mutant wolf was placed in a zoo. Many people came to see this miracle. It was a sensation.

Jake and Bill were able to peacefully breed their sheep ever since.