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IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Maria Kaminskaya, 8b

by Maria Kaminskaya, 8b

  Night. Screaming. Banging. Cracking glass. Slap. Frightened neighbors, bloodied body by the entrance. I remember that night well.

Recently, I moved out of a place where I spent my entire childhood and settled on the outskirts of a small town. Unfortunately, I had bad luck with my neighbors. Right in front of my apartment, there was an unbalanced man, and as I suspected, not a sane man. His name was Andrew, he was often complained about by the tenants of the house, he could put a knife in blood under someone’s door (actually it was in jam), he could stand for hours outside someone’s apartment and have a vicious laugh and a lot more that a normal person would not do. Of course, everyone was afraid of him. No one came close to him or his apartment, if there was anything left to expect.

One day, it was, like, Wednesday, and I came home exhausted from the robot, but I couldn’t sleep at all. Towards midnight, strange noises were heard in his apartment, someone was screaming as if he had been cut, the blows were heard, it was really scary to even hear. Then I heard the sound of broken glass, which was very disturbing, but what scared me the most was the scream of Lyuda’s neighbor. I ran outside and I froze in terror.

Andrew’s dead body was lying on the ground, covered in blood. And you know what else was weirder? His body was full of beatings I’d never seen before, he had no right hand. It was all a blur. I woke up this morning, my head was humming, I thought it was just a terrible dream, but when I went outside, I saw the police and the blood on the pavement, I knew it was all real. After the autopsy on his apartment, they found human remains that belonged to a woman. Long-time residents of the house confirmed that Andrew used to live with a girl Katya, who was probably his wife, but later she suddenly disappeared, though no one noticed. There was also a severed hand in his apartment, which belonged to Andrew. What the hell happened in that apartment? Doctors found that the man was mentally ill, had schizophrenia, or something (I think he just went crazy). Having thoroughly examined the apartment and cross-referenced all the facts, the police concluded that it was really Andrew killed his wife, so he went mad (indeed, who in a fit of rage would kill someone and then be able to stay sober).

But later he did not harm anyone, all his strange acts, shouting at neighbors and so on - were the consequence of his seizure, nightmares haunting him, rather he saw his murdered wife. It was all to muffle him, he couldn’t stand it. One day, the lock in his apartment broke down. During seizure, he tried to escape from the apartment, but he failed. He was screaming, banging on the wall, and the ghost of his dead wife kept appearing before his eyes. Accidentally, a man got a knife, couldn’t stand it, he cut off his hand. But he only made it worse, Andrew couldn’t think straight, he ran to a window that he couldn’t even open and jumped out. That’s the man’s story. It shocked me, and it took me a long time to come to my senses. But he only made it worse, with the pain no longer tolerated, and the blood and the way he was led mixed together. Andrew couldn’t think straight, he ran to a window that he couldn’t even open and jumped out. That’s the man’s story. It shocked me, and it took me a long time to come to my senses. Now both the bruises on his body and the severed arm and his strange behavior were understandable to me. I had a hard time accepting it, so I decided to move. This story will be in my head forever, I don’t know if I’ll ever forget it.