Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WE COMMENT: Sofiya Skrebtsova, 10a

Reviewed by Sofiya Skrebtsova, 10a

The winners in my group
I read all poems in my group. All poems are absolutely interesting, romantic and sad. I had to choose 3 poems in my group.

1. Andrey Udotov
I think that his poem "Запам'ятай" is very well translated, he translated it into Ukrainian, it's fabulous. I chose a couple of the best lines.
 Чи пам'ятаєш, як колись

Ти про майбутнє нам казала

Про те, що ти у голові

Сама собі запланувала.
These lines for me are so beautiful and sensual.

2. Nastya Sidorchuk
I think her poem "Жайворонок" is so touching but perfect. When I was reading this poem I felt warmth but at the end of poem I was depressed.
—И я молчал, вдыхая пенье, 

Боялся стать причиной тишины…

Теперь тот жаворонок – твоё успокоенье,

А я вот просто – голос пустоты.

3. Nikita Ahmetganov
This poem "Помни" sounds very proud, for me in this poem the man proudly releases his girlfriend, realizing that he cannot be with her. The poem is moving.
—И все же, ты забудешь обо мне,
А если вспомнишь, то не впадай в горе,
И если тьма и тление в огне,
Оставят хоть крупицу в нашем море,
Ты не плачь, постарайся с улыбкой забыть,
Это ведь лучше, чем напрасно грустить

Also I read some essays about our motherland. I think Mary Oberemok is worthy of the second or first place because her work is truthful. I pray for Ukraine too. Now, it is a hard time for Ukraine. In the East the real heroes protect our country without fear to die for peace. Thanks to our defenders, who protect the country and keep peace we can study and then use all our knowledge to make Ukraine powerful. We are the new generation that can change our country for the better. Over these three years we have become stronger and started to understand that liberty is so important. We must be strong and we must have patience. I think everything is going to be alright.

Thank you for your attention!