Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WE COMMENT: Anna Gaisha, 9c

Reviewed by Anna Gaisha, 9c

Every composition deserves attention. All texts are full of love and patriotism.
To my mind, Lisa's composition is quite interesting and unique in its own way. It was a great idea to choose Ukrainian song as the main object, the main topic of this work. Lisa used a lot of vivid epithets that give text peculiar sincerity.

We should give credit to Valera Dychakovsky for his decision to write a poem. Interesting topic and good rhyme made it worth reading.
In my opinion, the composition by Mary Oberemok is worthy of the top place. Even in the title I Always Return to My Motherland As to My Mother we can feel Mary's love and pride of Ukraine. I guess that her work bribed the judges with the fact, that every line, every phrase is saturated with warm-heartedness. For example, one of my favorite quotes from Mary's text is: «Ukraine for me is like mother, who raised, nursed and taught me, so I love her very much".