Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WE COMMENT: Diana Nedbay, 9c

Reviewed by Diana Nedbay, 9c

I can't select the best text, because each composition is different , so I will tell what I liked in each composition.
I liked Anna' Gaysha text about the Carpathians, because she described all beauty and value of the Carpathians. Also she stated the main facts about these mountains. Furthermore she told about it from the point of view of geographer, nature loverand traveler. The most I liked the phrase "The Carpathians are an opened chest containing a priceless treasure - our unique national traditions".

Of course, I liked Lisa Belikova's composition about Ukrainian song, because she told us not only about beauty of our songs, but also about its history. Furthermore she reminded us about the old legend.
I liked Alica's Holovchenko text so much! Maybe it's because her essay is childlike, but sincere at the same moment. Not in vain a lot of scientists say that children write, what they think and feel, cause I felt it in Alica's composition. She wrote about our native land - Mykolaiv. Of course, she told some facts about our town and history. Also she told her feelings and emotions about it. "Love to this land generates the feeling that Ukraine is the greatest and a pride of it in my heart and soul" - this is phrase, that I liked the most in her text, because it expresses attitude to Mykolaiv.

In conclusion, I want to say that all compositions are good in their own way. And I think that if any foreigner reads any of these texts, he will want to visit Ukraine anyway!