Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WE COMMENT: Anastasia Sydorchuk, 10a

Reviewed by Anastasia Sydorchuk, 10a

I’m proud of pupils of our Grammar School, who are real children of their country and who are ready to defend and protect their rights to live in the decent state. They are real patriots - they proved it with their works.

I loved the work of Lisa Belikova. It was about the folk songs. Magnificent, gorgeous and magic Ukrainian songs. I liked the work, because all thoughts were her own. She wrote about my favorite Ukrainian song “Ніченька місячна» - “The Moon in the sky, stars are shining, The boat is sliding over the sea”, so I found something familiar and I could not remain indifferent. Her work sounded like a story of her life: «I’m walking down the park, inbreathing the heady flower aroma. Suddenly the song is heard…». She proved the importance of songs and their place in our lives – in lives of Ukrainians. All in all, her composition is very close to me and I think that it deserves a prize, too.