Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

MADE WITH HOPE: Nastya Sidorchuk, 10a


Top 12 Rules For Contemporary Teachers
Nastya Sidorchuk, 10a

1. The teachers must discern creative personality in each student and support the desire of self-improvement.
2. The teachers should estimate students' knowledge fairly.
3. Giving homework teachers must make bear in mind that it shouldn’t be too time consuming as students need for the preparation of all lessons.

4. The teachers should resolve conflicts by searching for a compromise.
5. The teachers must take into account the opinion of each student.
6. The teachers mustn’t humiliate a student as an individuality.
7. The teachers are not supposed to divide their pupils into favorite and unloved.
8. The teachers must develop in each pupil the ability to to protect their opinion opinions.
9. The teachers are not allowed to wear too revealing
and bright clothes.
10. The teachers should make their lessons special finding new information and expanding the frames of the material. It will help to interest pupils in their subject.
11. The teachers are not allowed to insult the opinions of other teachers, especially in the presence of pupils.
12. The teachers must be inspired with their profession and ought to share their experience and knowledge with each student.