Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

MADE WITH HOPE: Alex Borschov, 10a


My Idea about Regulations for Teachers
Alex Borschov, 10a

1.Teacher must be an example for pupils.
2.Teacher should listen to pupils.
3.Teacher is not allowed to come to school in not sober condition.

4.Teacher should come to school in time.
5.Teacher mustn’t use abusive or offensive language.
6.Teacher is supposed to control pupils’ behavior.
7.Teacher must prevent injures of children.
8.Teacher is supposed to assess pupil’s knowledge and not pupil’s behavior.
9.Teacher should keep in order his own workplace.
10.Teacher is allowed to use his own methods of teaching.
11.Teacher is supposed to behave with dignity.
12.Teacher should respect the ethical norms of behavior.