Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

MADE WITH HOPE: Natasha Sych, 10a


Rules for Teachers
Natasha Sych, 10a

1. Every teacher should respect each student and perceive him as a person.
2. Teachers must understand that students have their own time and they aren’t obliged do at this time instead of doing things which they like.
3. Teachers should make varied lessons, in this way students will be interested and will take an active part in the process.

4. The teacher must assess child's knowledge. The teacher has no right to give a mark for the conduct of student in class.
5. They need to improve their qualification.
6. Teachers mustn’t get mad at students for no reason and in the case of personal troubles.
7. Teacher is obliged to give claims to the child in a delicate manner.
8. Teachers should conduct lessons not only in school, but for example in museums, in the lap of nature. In this way students will better perceive purpose of the lesson.
9. Teacher isn’t obliged to conduct lessons according to plans of the Ministry of education. They should make lessons so that they will be interesting for students.
10. Teacher mustn’t divide the pupils into the favorite and unloved.
11. Every time you want to command the children, remember your childhood
and just in case eat a chocolate ice cream.
12. Give school everything, and coming out of school, start a new life.