Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

MADE WITH HOPE: Maria Oberemok, 10a


Rules for Teachers
Maria Oberemok, 10a

If the teacher combines love to his work
and to his pupils, he is a perfect teacher.
Lev Tolstoy

1. Teachers should estimate each pupil identically. If we are not allowed to cheat during a test, nobody is allowed to do it.
2. They are supposed to give pupils feasible homework. We hate writing notes up to 3 am.
3. Teachers must explain all new information. You shouldn’t give us it for self-education.

4. You mustn’t do your own things at the lesson.
5. Teacher must estimate pupils for their knowledge, not for their money.
6. You should understand pupil, there are so many unpredictable things in our life.
7. Teacher mustn’t humiliate pupils, especially at the lesson with all his classmates.
8. You should search new interesting information for your lesson. Pupils like it.
9. You don’t need to give a bad mark, if pupil is absent or he doesn’t have a book.
10. Teacher mustn’t raise voice at the lesson.
11. You shouldn’t highlight the pupil you like the most. Everyone is talented.
12. You ought to teach pupils the way you wanted your teachers to have taught you at school.

The law of the boomerang hasn’t been canceled!