Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

MADE WITH RESPECT: Liz Belikova, 9c

Made with respect and appreciation
The Teacher I Admire Most
Liz Belikova, 9c

There are a lot of people who influence our life and can be role models for us. They are our parents and relatives and, of course, our teachers. A teacher is the person who shapes the future of everyone by providing best education to students. Teacher plays a great role in the education of every student. A good teacher has many qualities and is fully able to make students successful in life.
My favorite teacher is Valentina Petrovna – my English teacher. Valentina Petrovna is a pensioner and she is not teaching at school, so she gives me only extra lessons. Unlike other students, who do only homework during extra lessons, I discuss modern problems with Valentina Petrovna, share my experience and imagine interesting situations. No word is Russian – that’s the rule at her lessons.

My teacher is a unique person. She is characterful and has progressive views on modern life. She is an open minded, caring person who seems to love what she is doing. I’ll never forget the first time I met her. It wasn’t long before I realized how creative yet reasonably demanding she was. She is a very good professional as she has vast knowledge of English.

I strongly believe that good relationships are the key to effective learning and if students respect the teacher they will do their best to learn the subject. In my opinion, Valentina Petrovna is easy and pleasant to deal with. She is competent in everything what she teaches me. Learning languages and teaching them requires infinite patience. Valentina Petrovna never degrades or embarrasses anyone; instead she takes the time to explain what could be done differently to correct the problem. She accomplishes these things without ever being judgmental and she never loses her temper or hurts my feelings.
A lot of students of my school are her pupils and everyone adores her. She has the ability to make a subject that many students find incredibly boring come to life through her enthusiasm and passion for English. She sets a good example for me because she is always trying to find the newest information, develop her knowledge and keep up with the times. Going to her lessons is something I look forward to. She prepares for every lesson carefully, gives me creative tasks and makes me think a lot.
There also weaker children among her pupils. So Valentina Petrovna speaks clearly, gives unusual and bright examples to help such pupils understand the material and encourages them. In this way her pupils always feel comfortable in the atmosphere she creates at her lessons.
However, sometimes Valentina Petrovna tends to be too caring. She is dramatizing and worrying not only about my knowledge, but also about my life and in such moments she just lectures a lot, interrupts me and ignores my opinion. It’s not pleasant, but everybody is not perfect, even Valentina Petrovna 
All in all, I feel extremely fortunate to be taught by Valentina Petrovna. She gives me vast knowledge of English. But what is more important, she makes a great impact on my personality and has shaped my character. I shall always be grateful that she made me work up to my capacity and gave me confidence.