Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

MADE WITH RESPECT: O. Bogachova, 10b

Made with respect and appreciation
The Teacher I Admire Most
O. Bogachova, 10b

Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Maria Evgenievna is the one I admire most. She has been teaching me English for 6 years.
I'll never forget the first time I met her. It was when we transferred from the primary school to the 5th form. Her lessons were always interesting, full of games, but at the same time instructive. She tried to adapt us to a different atmosphere. I took to her at once. It wasn't long before I realized how supportive and fair she was. She possesses such qualities essential for a good teacher as creativity and patience. Maria Evgenievna always comes up with different new activities during the lesson. I'm really amazed at her unbelievable energy. She is always cheerful, full of fresh ideas and in a good mood. She sets a good example for us because of her organization and ability to take criticism. Therefore, she has a great number of those qualities, that a competent teacher and a good person should have.

I strongly believe that good relationships are the key to effective learning and if students respect the teacher they will do their best to learn the subject. In my opinion, learning English is easy and pleasant to deal with. My teacher of English treats us like adults, with respect. She always sees our point of view and never ignores our opinion. She never lets herself hurt our feelings or humiliate us, excluding fair criticism. In this case she is extremely polite and tactful. I can say that she is caring, due to the fact that she cheers me up when I'm in a bad mood and listens to our problems and tries to give a piece of advice, sharing her own experience. It is important that she doesn't play favorites so everyone feels equal. But at the same time, she is not indifferent to anyone.

I always look forward to her lessons. All students feel comfortable in the atmosphere she creates at her lessons and come on classes with a positive attitude. Compared to other lessons, it's like a breath of fresh air. She encourages those who have a difficulty, as a result her door is always open for consultations or for the students who want to improve the mark. At the same time she keeps strict discipline without yelling or being rude. It does not allow us to take it easy. The way she presents and checks the material is suitable for me. Maria Evgenievna carefully prepares for every lesson and grade papers on time. If there is something unclear, my teacher prints handouts to provide information missing in the textbooks. To sum up, her method of education makes us think.
I feel fortunate to be taught by Maria Evgenievna. She gave me vast knowledge of English. She became a helper rather than a master. But what is more important, she made a great impact on my personality and shaped my character. I shall always be grateful for her life lessons. She taught me how to be hardy and do not give in to difficulties. For me she is a real example of how have to look educated and mature person. She is one of those teachers that I will remember with a smile.