Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

MADE WITH RESPECT: V. Dychakovskiy, 10a

Made with respect and appreciation
The Teacher I Admire Most
V. Dychakovskiy, 10a

Among the teacher who have taught me through my school life Oksana Viktorovna is the one I admire most. She has been teaching me German for 5 years.
I’ll never forget the first time I met her. It was in the 5th form. She was so nervous. She had even written what she was going to say on her hands. I took to her at once. It wasn’t long before I realized how patient and tolerant she was. Oksana Viktorovna possesses such qualities essential for a good teacher as creativity and enthusiasm. I am really amazed at the support she gives to students. I respect her because she is intelligent. She sets a good example to us because she is fair and organized. She is not only a teacher, she’s a master and a helper.

I strongly believe that good relationships are the key to effective learning and if students respect the teacher they will do their best to learn the subject. In my opinion, Oksana Viktorovna is easy and pleasant to deal with. She treats me with respect because she always sees my point of view. She is caring because she shares experience, cheers me up when I am in a bad mood, listens to our problems and tries to help. She never hurts our feelings, never ignores our opinion, that’s why she isn’t indifferent to us. She never plays favourites because she is fair. I can say that I trust her because gives me a lot of support and praise.

I always look forward to her lessons. During her lesson I feel comfortable. It’s important, that she always comes to the lessons with positive attitude. As a teacher, she never punishes students who don’t work enough. She can explain boring material in an interesting way; speaks clearly (so we can understand what she wants). She always carefully prepares for the lessons, prints handouts to provide information missing in the textbooks. She tries to share her knowledge with us, because she has vast knowledge of the subject. She has an approach to each student. Her door is always open for consultations or for students who want to retake the test and improve the mark.
I feel fortunate to be taught by Oksana Viktorovna. She gave me fast knowledge of German. But what is more important, she made a great impact on my personality and shaped my character. I shall always be grateful for comfort, advice and support she gave whenever I needed. She gave me confidence. I hope my children will be taught by Oksana Viktorovna.