Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

MADE WITH RESPECT: Diana Nedbay, 9c

Made with respect and appreciation
The Teacher I Admire Most
Diana Nedbay, 9c

Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Vidayko Henadiy Viktorovich is the one I admire most. He has been teaching me history of Ukraine for three years. I`ll never forget the first time I met him. I didn`t take to him at once. I thought that he would demand too much of us and that he would be very strict to us. But then I understood that he was reasonably demanding and strict. Henadiy Viktorovich possesses such qualities essential for a good teacher as enthusiasm, patience, tolerance, and understanding. I appreciate that Henadiy tells jokes to liven the lesson, has sense of humor, he`s organized, firm, supportive and fair.
I strongly believe that good relationships are the key to effective learning and if pupils respect the teacher they will do their best to learn the subject. In my opinion, Henadiy Viktorovich is easy and pleasant to deal with. Yes, of course, he can lose temper, because he has feelings and emotions too. But he always tries to give pupils a lot of support, listens to our problem and tries to help. That is why I trust him. He never ignores our opinion, criticizes, humiliates, and hurts our feelings. He shares his experience as much as possible. I respect him because he doesn`t play favourites.

Henadiy Viktorovich explains boring material in an interesting way to help us understand it better. He comes to the lessons with positive attitude, not always, but often. He creates good atmosphere at the lessons. His door is always open for consultations or for retaking the test or improving your mark. He gives unusual and bright examples to help us understand, punishes pupils who don`t work hard enough, carefully prepares for every lesson, gives creative tasks. This is why I love him so much.
So, I feel fortunate to be taught by Henadiy Viktotrovich Vidayko. He gives me vast knowledge of history. But what is more important, he makes a great impact on my personality and shapes my characters. I shall always be grateful for comfort, advice, support, confidence he gave me whenever I needed.