Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

MADE WITH RESPECT: Natasha Sych, 10a

Made with respect and appreciation
The Teacher I Admire Most
Natasha Sych, 10a

Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Olga Konstantinovna is the one I admire most. She has been teaching me Math for 6 years. I took to her at once. She possesses such qualities essential for a good teacher as enthusiasm, patience, and tolerance and support. I appreciate that she is reasonably strict and can take criticism. I respect her because she is fair, firm, respectful and patient.
I strongly believe that good relationships are the key to effective learning and if students respect the teacher they will do their best learn the subject. I my opinion, Olga Konstantinovna is easy and pleasant to deal with. She is our deputy form mistress. She treats me with respect. Olga Konstantinovna is always ready to help and to listen to our problems. She is polite and tactful. Olga Konstantinovna sees our point of view and can give good advice. She is also caring and can cheer me up when I have some problems. She is fair and rightly assesses our knowledge. Olga Konstantinovna is not indifferent to us. So sometimes she can criticize and yell at us because we are a bit lazy. I trust her, because to my mind, she is a wonderful teacher and she is always ready to share her experience and to give practical advice.

I always look forward to her lessons. During the lessons the atmosphere is wonderful. I feel comfortable at her lessons. She comes to the lessons with a positive attitude. Olga Konstantinovna knows how to keep attention. She has vast knowledge of the subject. She explains boring material in an interesting way and gives unusual and bright examples to help us understand. Olga Konstantinovna carefully prepares for every lesson, for example she comes up with tasks. Sometimes our teacher prints handouts to provide information missing in the textbooks. She is always ready to help. So her door is always open for consultations.
I feel fortunate to be taught by Olga Konstantinovna. She gave me vast knowledge of Math. But what is more important, she made a great impact on my personality and shaped my character. I shall always be grateful because she gave me the opportunity to love Math.