Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

MADE WITH RESPECT: Andrey Udotov, 10a

Made with respect and appreciation
The Teacher I Admire Most
Andrey Udotov, 10a

Among teachers, who have taught me through my school life, Valentina Andreevna is the one I admire most. She had been teaching me Computer Study for four years.
I took to her at once. It wasn’t long before I realized how kind and supportive she was. I adore her patience. I respect her because she is supportive. She never demands too much of us. She sets a good example for us because she is organized and she tells jokes to liven the lesson.
I strongly believe that good relationships are the key of effective learning and if students respect the teacher that will do their best to learn the subject. In my opinion, V.A. is easy and pleasant to deal with. She’s polite and tactful, she never plays favorites. She is fair and we trust her, because she listens to our problems and tries to help. She isn’t indifferent to us. She tries to share her experience.

I always looked forward to her lessons. We all loved atmosphere and discipline at her lessons. She came to all lessons with positive attitude. She kept strict discipline without yelling or being rude. She made us think and explained boring material in an interesting way. She also gave creative tasks and always had time for students out of class.
I feel fortunate to be taught by V.A., she gave me vast knowledge of informatics. But what is more important, she made a great impact on my personality and shaped my character. I shall always be grateful, as she helped me discover my talents.