Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WE DISCUSS: A. Borschov, 10a

Essays Providing Solutions to Problems
Changes in School Curriculum
A. Borschov, 10a

In Ukrainian secondary schools almost all subjects are compulsory. Being a senior student I am not satisfied with our current school curriculum. Obviously, our current school curriculum should be changed. I think that Ukrainian Ministry of Education should follow the suit of some western countries where school curricula are compiled in a wiser way. For example in Great Britain senior students focus on only three or four main subjects which are necessary to pass the advanced level exams to enter a higher educational establishment.
In my opinion, the curriculum should be changed only for senior formers because they are mature and know what profession they will choose and what subjects they need to focus on. As for pupils of the fifth – ninth forms, it is necessary for them to study all subjects. As a result, they receive basic education which is needed for all modern people. On the other hand they get an idea what subjects they are good at and what subjects they are bad at and what occupation they might like in future.

One way to change our current school curriculum is to exclude some subjects from it for example World Culture. Another way is to exclude from curriculum some hard themes which will later be studied at higher educational establishments. Let’s take physics as an example. I think that everyone must learn the theme “Electricity” because we use electric gadgets every day. However the theme such as “Nuclear physics” should be studied at higher educational establishments by those students who specialize in physics. In this way every pupil would have an opportunity to cope with this program because it would include much easier basic material.
The most effective way to prepare senior pupils for The Outer Independent Assessment is to restrict the number of obligatory subjects. I think that it would be a good idea to give senior pupils an opportunity to choose specialization. Those who are going to be engineers, IT specialists and bankers have to receive education with emphasis on algebra, geometry, information technology and economics. Pupils who are planning to become a translators, lawyers, TV hosts, politicians should focus on subjects like languages, literature, history, law. Future scientist and doctors need to concentrate on chemistry and biology. Basic mathematics, foreign languages, native language and PT lessons would form the obligatory core no matter what specialization a senior pupil chooses. Thus senior pupils with have a better chance to focus on the subjects which are essential for higher education.
Finally, our current curriculum has no elective courses at all. As for our gymnasium, we all have to attend so called elective course of the Ukrainian language. In practice it must be attended by everyone and it is not an elective course. Thus we have no choice. In my opinion, that there must be elective courses of core subjects which are necessary to enter a higher educational establishment. Consequently, there would be more use for those pupils who would choose to receive advanced education in foundation subjects.
To my mind if my proposals were put into practice I think it would change the quality of secondary education for the better.