Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WE DISCUSS: Anastasiya Grinuk, 10b

Essays Providing Solutions to Problems
Changes in School Curriculum
Anastasiya Grinuk, 10b

Dear Ministry of Education,
I am a Ukrainian senior school student and I am writing to tell about our school and to put forward a number of suggestions that would help to solve the problems with our school curriculum.
As you know educational system in Ukraine is quite complicated. Unfortunately almost all subjects are compulsory as I am senior student I am not satisfied because there are a lot of subjects that I don’t need to study because I have chosen my specialization and I need an opportunity to focus on main subjects that I need to enter a higher educational establishment.

To begin with the most effective method to solve the problem with school curriculum is to follow the suit of some western countries where school curricula are compiled in a wiser way. For example in US school there are 3-5 compulsory subjects (English, History, PT, Math…) and if you want more you can choose subjects from the list. Another good example would be the educational system in GB where core subjects are English, Math and Science. In this way our Ukrainian Ministry of Education can make our studying process easier and we would not study subjects that we don’t need in future.
In my opinion curriculum should be changed only for senior forms because in the 1st -9th grades pupils study foundation of main subjects. And almost all senior students have chosen their specialization and they don’t need to study others more.
It will be a good idea to make pair-lessons. As a result we will not have so much homework and we will not have to bring so many heavy books to school. If I were a Minister of Education I would exclude advanced education of Geometry, Algebra and Physics. I would add Psychology, elements of Craft or Trade, Drawing, Gardening. There are so many things that we don’t know how to do. The core subjects would be Languages, Biology, Geography, PT.
To my mind some subjects should be studied as elective courses. Thus we would study what we want and our education would be more interesting. Such subjects as Chemistry, Physics, Algebra, Geometry, Modern language, Music, Culture should be studied as elective courses. I am not satisfied with elective courses in my school because they are not elective and they are compulsory.
In my opinion if my proposals were put into practice school education would be easier and children would have more free time.
Yours faithfully,
senior student Anastasia Grynyuk, 10b