Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WE WRITE: Olga Bogachova, 10b

Friendship With a Tragic End
Written by Olga Bogachova, 10b

Someone still doubts that the expression "like cats and dogs" expresses the possibility of friendship. Because cats and dogs have totally different temperaments and characters. For example, a dog raising his paw to a cat may mean he wants playing, but a cat can take it as a sign of an attack. In addition, by nature dogs often chase things smaller than them, including cats. However, relationships between them are possible, depending on their personalities and their owners’ patience. What do you think? In reality there are a lot of absolutely amazing examples of friendship between them, and this is one of them.

When the little kitten Scout was brought to his new home, he was only 5 weeks old. He was absolutely defenseless and weak. He had not weaned from the mother and her warm milk yet and suddenly - an entirely new life. Everything was new and frightening unknown for him. To help Scout in the new house came a dog named Charlie. He had lived there for more than 8 years and wasn’t quite young. The dog was extremely kind and patiently took care of the kitten. Charlie tried to help Scout to adapt to this world. The cat and the dog were sleeping together, sharing the same bed for two. Together they ate and Charlie gladly gave his part to the baby. They were the darlings of the family. Time passed and the kitten grew up in the beautiful adult cat. Scout and Charlie spent all their time together, and it was not forced neighborhood, it was a real friendship. It seemed there was nothing better. No signs of trouble.
But in one moment everything has been turned upside down. A disaster struck: Charlie was diagnosed with cancer. This news was an absolute shock to all those who had become attached to it. Tumors struck all his body.Charlie was totally miserable, but very patient. Owners and his best friend didn’t leave him for a second. The dog courageously fought with a terrible disease, but one terrible day, his body could not stand. Charlie died and left his best friend Scout.The house plunged into mourning. Scout missed very much and the owner put on the desktop the photo,where the cat and dog were sleeping together. On the laptop screen there was Charlie's photo.
It's actually a totally heartwarming and lovely example of faithful friendship that touches deeply. The cat slept for several weeks with a computer, on which was a picture of his best friend...