Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WE WRITE: A. Grinuk, 10b

Anti-zombie Vaccine
Written by A. Grinuk, 10b

19-year old Emily studied in St. Vladimir Academy of medical experiments and science. S.V.A.M.E.S. She was a simple girl who wanted to become a scientist.
Emily opened her eyes in her clean white room. She slowly went downstairs. “Oh! New message on my e-mail,” she exclaimed.
It was an invitation to one of the most superb parties ever. Halloween party. All her friends were invited. Emily was so bored that she couldn’t let this intriguing opportunity pass her by. So she decided to take a leap into the unknown and wrote an answer. “Hmm… I don’t know what to wear! Maybe I will be a ghost…or a zombie…” “No, I will be great a VAMPIRE!”, she said eagerly. Emily went to the costume salon and bought the best costume of Dracula’s girlfriend.

When Emily entered a huge hall she was amazed. Horrifying atmosphere, lots of various candles, different pumpkins and a massive ghost in the centre of the hall. Everybody was in the scary costumes. Loud music, delicious food and drinks. What could be better? A few minutes later Emily understood that something was going on. Seven persons wandered through the crowded hall. Their costumes were so impressive. Emily thought that these impressive zombies were from favorite serial Walking Deads. But not… “I can’t believe! They are real”, someone yelled from the crowd of “evil spirits”. “BRAINSSS!!!’’ Everybody yelled. Emily rushed as fast as she could. One of zombie started to chase her. A horrible zombie caught her hand and scratched it but somehow she managed to escape. Emily reached home very quickly. She was shocked. “I believe it”, she whispered and fell asleep being completely exhausted.
The next day Emily got up with a strong feeling of hunger. She went downstairs. A few minutes later in the mirror she saw a young girl with as white as snow hair and skin. “Oh, my God! I am a zombie! No, it can’t be true! I can’t... I can’t be a zombie… but how?”, she screamed in disbelief. Then Emily noticed a huge scar on her hand… Infection. She had so many questions. But one thing she knew exactly. “I need to find vaccine…” Was there any hope of finding it at S.V.A.M.E.S.?