Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WE WRITE: Valeryi Dychakovsky, 10a

Love Never Dies
Written by Valeryi Dychakovsky, 10a

It was an entirely nasty windy and rainy Sunday evening. Mark was nervously waiting for a call from hospital. His wife had got into an absolutely horrible car accident and injured herself seriously. Doctors immediately took her to the hospital. Mark desperately appealed to them for help .
Mark was about to go into hysteric, he tried to distract from the terrible thoughts but in vain. Every minute he peered at his mobile phone, waiting for relieving news, but nothing happened. Mark couldn’t wait too long, so he frantically grabbed his coat and hurriedly dashed to the hospital. Unfortunately, he had forgotten his umbrella, so he got entirely wet.

While Mark was nervously waiting for a taxi, he gazed at his mobile and saw the photo of his weeping wife. He realised that something horrifying was happening at the hospital. He had never run so fast until that moment. Suddenly up ahead he saw a young beautiful woman. She had long brown hair, light blue eyes and a slim figure. The woman was standing in the middle of the road and cried loudly. Mark understood that the woman looked exactly the same as his beloved wife. He screamed desperately “Janet, it’s me MARK!” He rushed to his wife, but it was only a mirage.
Suddenly, he got an SMS. He read it and burst into weeping.