Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WE WRITE: A. Udotov, 10a

Nutritionist`s Rap
Written by Andrey Udotov, 10a

A balanced diet of a good quality food
Everybody needs it all to be good

With calcium provide us dairy products
It is for us a very big progress.

And if you suddenly want to eat
Be sure, you should eat very much meat.


It gives us protein, iron and zink
And then we should drink one more cup of milk.

Not to become a doctor`s subscriber
Eating fruits and vegetables gives us some fiber.
Vitamins and minerals are also included,
That`s why we always should do it.

Fat and sugar should be eaten in moderation
Not to give obesity to all our nation.

Important for us are cereals and grains,
Without them we are preparing our graves.

For our energy and health that`s not a big price-
That was an old nutritionist`s advice.