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Relationships Hotline: Vlad Lysechko, 10b

Ask Ryan
Vlad Lysechko, 10b

Hello, my name is Ryan McCartney and I’m a well-known psychologyst from America. You can remember me for such works as My Wife Has Bought Five Cats And She Pays No Attention to Me, I Feel Miserable Cause I Get Less Likes in Instagram Than Earlier and of course I Have a Depression Cause My 15y.o. Boyfriend Broke up with Me. The main goal of this article is to show how hard it is to be a teenager and to give you some useful pieces of advice.
A lot of people say that they miss their adolescence, but they don’t say that being a teenager is simultaneously the hardest time of your life. The life of a teenager is full of tough issues and life-changing decisions. So if you want to have a successfull teenage life you have to follow next steps below.

1. Be yourself
Being yourself makes you more comfortable and builds confidence in your heart and soul.
2. Do best in school
School sets you up for adult life. No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society.
3. Be on the alert doing something you don’t know much about Huge number of stupid mistakes is made cause of lack of information about thing/project/etc. you are going to do. So always try to inform yourself about thing you want to do.
4. Always do what you like
It is wonderful when you have a hobby that interests you. If you don’t have one try to take up something. Maybe you are good at knitting or you have a beautiful voice. Don’t be shy and always try to find something that interests you.
5. Imagine what future you want to live in
Life is full of amazing things to do and learn about. Start from one single step to reach your goal. Start thinking about careers you would like to be in, but make a good choice based on your interests and strengths. This could be your job for the rest of your life!
6. Choose your friends wisely
Never hang out with someone who doesn’t make you feel comfortable. Be with people who make you happy, and ditch the ones who don’t.
7. Be active!
Join a sports team at school or out of school. Go for a run around your neighborhood. Join a yoga group, go swimming at the local recreation center, do sit-ups during commercial breaks on TV – anything! Just exercise! It helps you feel better, mentally and physically.
8. Smile a bit more
Try to be optimistic (of course, if circumstances allow). Remember there are no unsolvable problems.
9. Don’t take drugs
Oh, come on, every sane human knows it’s dangerous, but if you want to commit a suicide, you’re welcome.