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Relationships Hotline: D. Kardashev, 10b

I Am an Experienced Man
D. Kardashev, 10b

We will never get our childhood and adolescence back once we’re adults. For teens, life is not a play-ground, it’s a real jungle. The life of a teenager is full of different issues and life-changing decisions. I think that I am an experienced man. So I can give you some advice how to survive in the Rough World.
1) First of all, always be yourself. People understand who you are, after two or three weeks. So you must be yourself. Being yourself makes you more comfortable, relaxed and builds confidence in your heart and soul. Make the first impression very exciting.
2) You understand that school plays a great deal in a successful teenage life. No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society.

3) Try to do everything, to be the best like: doing homework, listening to the teachers, studying and getting good grades. Doing so, it will help you get into a better university or college.
4) What about relationships… For teenagers it is a very sad question. They will hate everything, if their relationships are in the terrible situation. But, you must understand, that your teenage relationships are only exciting experience in your adult life
5) Also, about things that you love creating or taking up different hobbies. It is very nice and you will be happy. You can read, write, see the movies, sing, dance and etc.
6) The most interesting things in teenage life at the age of 15-17 old. are alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. Keep in mind - never taste drugs. If you can avoid these things during your teen years, there are a lot easier to avoid once you are out of high school.
7) There is one interesting fact. If you draw your future in teen years, everything will be easier to make your carrier in future. You get the opportunity to enjoy life only once.
8) Again about relationships. You must make the big circle of people, with whom you are going to speak and enjoy your teenage years. Be with people who make you happy and ditch the ones who don’t. Create your own group of Supportive.
9) Now about activity. Be active all the time! Join sportsmen at school or out of school. Go to different clubs. Make your life more interesting and comfortable. In your older life you will have something to remember.
Thank you for your attention. If you understand my advice, your life will improve in better way.