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Relationships Hotline: Ira Dmytrychenko, 10b

Relationship Blog
Ira Dmytrychenko, 10b

Welcome to my relationship blog. In this article I will give you suggestions on the main relationship issues. My purpose is to help you deal with the problems you face. I hope you will find what you need and my advice will make your life happier. So, there are a lot of kinds of relationships in our life - with family, friends, lovers, teachers, etc. Sometimes we face issues in these relationships.

A lot of problems can appear in families, because we spend a lot of time together. If we have a bad mood, we take it out in our parents. Usually we don't think what we say, and in this way we hurt our family, even we don't want to do it. If you have such kind of problem, the best advice I can give is to remember that your parents are the most important people in your life. If you have a bad mood, don't show it to your family. Also you should say "good morning", "good day" to your family members. Maybe it is a trifle, but it will show your family that you love them.
The second type of relationship issues is the problems between lovers. Sometimes we can be jealous and in this way we push our love away. We can hurt the ones we love without thinking. The best thing you can do is to trust your second part. The relationships between a girl and a boy should be built on confidence. Also one of the problems you can face in the relationships between lovers is a lot of arguments. Sometimes you don't understand or don't want to agree with each other, especially when you are young. If you have this problem, you shouldn't be so stubborn.
Don't always say what you think. Listen to your partner not to offend him.
Friends also go through rough patches. When we are young we want to find a perfect friend. But you should remember: nobody is perfect and it includes us. Sometimes we can think that our friend doesn’t want to listen about our problems. If you face with such problem, you shouldn't take offense on your friend. On the contrary, show him what a good friend you are, show that you are ready to listen to his problem at any moment.
Always remember that it takes two to have a real relationship of any kind. Don't press on the person with whom you build relationship and everything will be easier!