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Relationships Hotline: Julia Kolchik, 10b

How to Improve Relationships with Parents
Julia Kolchik, 10b

Today, I propose to discuss the topic of communication with parents. I think that not every one of us can boast of an ideal relationship with parents ... Once it is our fault, at other times - theirs. As a result, we get a bunch of damaged nerves.

I offer you several options how to establish relations with parents.

Firstly try to find common interests. Do you have some kind of common hobbies, family traditions? Do not give up them and the time spent with parents. Go with them to the movies or watch your favorite movie at home or maybe go to a bowling alley or a pizza house. And you will see that parents are very funny and they have great sense of humor.
Secondly you must forgive and ask for forgiveness. Yes, it’s very nice to know that you're right and to prove the truth of this, but it very rarely is beneficial. Try to look at the situation from all sides and forgive parents, if they are wrong. If you make a mistake, ask for forgiveness. I don’t find anything terrible or difficult in this.
If your scandals and quarrels are caused by the fact, that you don’t want to help in the house, you should try to prove your parents that you are not a lazy-bones. Clean the house, wash the dishes, cook dinner without their reminders, and I'm sure they will appreciate it. And even if they begin to reproach you again, you will have arguments that they are wrong. Of course, if you don’t help them once a week.
In addition bite your tongue. Try just once to keep silent and not to argue the "rightness". It is better to count to 10, and then speak. Remember that a word spoken is past recalling. Furthermore you must understand that they have more life experience and sometimes you can follow their advice.
Moreover look for compromises. Your parents do not like your make-up? Then find "golden mean." For example, you reduce the amount of make-up or you wear make-up only when you are going to a disco. Be ready to compromise and then parents will also do it.
Write a list "Why I love my parents," and reread it when you are angry with parents. It will be easier to remember why you love them.
The most important thing is to trust your parents, because only they love you and genuinely worry about your future.
We hope these tips will help you and improve your relationships with parents.