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Relationships Hotline: Valentin Matviets, 10b

Top 3 Tips to a Teen
Valentin Matviets, 10b

Greetings to you, my young disciples! I’ve come here to teach you, how to survive your adolescence! As you can see, there’s a period, when you are not a child anymore but yet not a mature person. You are completely right, if you think that it’s the hardest time of your life! But don’t lose heart; I will give you some tips and advice of how to bear it!
First of all, I want to set eyes on main teenagers’ problems. The first one is family issues.


Oh boy, oh boy. How often do you think of that our parents, brothers or sisters are so stubborn and annoying? Family issues make up a large number of the problems people approach me with. This is perhaps not surprising, as we spend a great deal of our time with family members. But, just as our parents, brothers and sisters are usually the ones we share our happiest moments with, they are often the people, who take it out on us when things get bad. What can we do in this situation? Construction “Turtle” – here`s my answer. Ignore them and things will sort out by themselves.
Ahem! What do we have here?! Oh my! Is this study?


Get comfortable on your seats cause now you gonna hear crazy things! First of all – Construction ”Turtle” does not work. If you are standing at the doorstep of the school, take a deep breath, clear your mind, gather all your will in your fist and prepare yourself for unforgettable 9-hour torture session. If you are a little child or a pregnant woman, don’t come to this place. But jokes aside (nope), the main problems of the school are:
1) It takes a lot of your time. You have to learn things for hours, then revise them, then come to school and spend hours to show what you’ve learnt.
2) Communication. Nowadays no one cares about their classmates. They gather in small groups and talk on philosophical topics. What’s more important – is communication with teachers. I don’t wanna tell that all teachers are bad. Perhaps there are 3-4 normal ones, that are easy to work with and you want to study their subject. But usually students come to a classroom with a thought to survive next 45 minutes. There are also some masochists that enjoy being at the lessons doing stuff But this is a completely another story.
The last but not the least problem for today is the opinions of others. I don’t really understand why there are dozens of people left that get hurt of a word in 2016. But if there are those, I’m ready to give you my advice.



Alright, that’s all for now. I hope this list of advice helped you (I don’t really care)

Best of luck