Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

Relationships Hotline: Anonymous, 10b

Relationships with Parents
Anonymous, 10b

As a typical teenager I argue with my parents. They disapprove of my clothes make up and my boyfriend. As a result I become aggressive, rude and upset. I think that every teenager has the same problems with their parents.

My parents love me too much and control my every movement. So, sometimes I am annoyed. I can`t go anywhere without my mother. My friends think that I can`t do anything without my parents` help. Also, my parents make me do extra tasks in Physics, instead of going out to the meeting with my friends. I know that I won`t use this subject in my future. But they think that I can`t live without Physics.

Moreover, my parents take me on holidays with them while I want to go to the camp with my coevals. The guys from my group miss school. They may smoke and drink wine. My parents are shocked at this. They try to make me break up with them. But I have a lot of fun with these people and I need to share our tastes. I`m sure that I won`t do what I don’t want to.
All in all I understand that my parents love me and wish me only the best. I believe that if they listen to me and don't control my actions, I will try to be polite and obedient. Then, our life will become simple and we will be able to spend our free time together.