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Relationships Hotline: Ira Stepanova, 10b

Relationship Advice
Ira Stepanova, 10b

Good morning, everyone! Since I made this website I have had a lot of questions about relationships and I think I can help you with most of them. People approached me, questioning about broken heart, friendship, family issues etc. So, I decided to write an article about it. 

I will start with friendship. In my life I have had a lot of “best friends” but when you grow up only True friends will stay with you. People are asking about making friends with strangers, where they should search for them or how to find a perfect person. Firstly, you need to stop searching. I know, it sounds pretty stupid, but maybe people you are looking for are surrounding you right now. You can try to make friends online or join the club, you are interested in. Communication in the internet is easier so you can start with it. As for finding a perfect friend, the only thing I can advise you is not to expect perfection from others, we are all humans, everybody makes mistakes.


Family relationships are the most important, I think. You spend a lot of time with family and if you don’t want to waste your time on useless things such as arguments, quarrels, you must be on good terms. I understand that sometimes situations can be really awful but you can try to turn all in a good way. Firstly, you need to spend time with your relatives. You can go for a hike, for a walk in the park or spend the day watching movies. Secondly, you have to realize how close these people are to you. Do not take it out on them, you will regret about this in an hour. The last thing I can say is - try to sort things out. Maybe you’ll understand that your parents did not want to hurt you, only help.

Lastly, I decided to write about romantic relationships. All these things, from first love to heartbreaking breakup. Everybody will go through it. I don’t think I’m the person who you should ask about it, but my friend says that my advice help her. The only thing I could say, if you are a heartbroken teenager, is that you just have to continue living. Do not think life ends on it. Treat yourself, go out, but don’t do it, if you only want your ex to come back. Do it for yourself above all. Ask your family to talk with you, maybe they will help you. Stop reading articles about it, you’re only dwelling on it.

I really want to think that this article will help you to go through rough patches. Feel free to email me, if you have a question. Love you all! Bye!! 11