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Relationships Hotline: Julia Tsvetkova, 10b

How to Survive in the Rough World
Julia Tsvetkova, 10b

I’m sure that lots of teens are concerned about their future life. It’s normal, because nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Unknowingness scares us and we ask ourselves: “How to survive in the rough world?”

First of all, create an image for yourself. It means think more closely about the things you do every day, analyze what you do and draw a conclusion. Then do your chores. Nobody earns respect by being lazy. Help others and they will thank you by giving their helping hand. It’s important to respect your parents too.

Even if they have done some cruddy things in the past, hating them isn't going to change one thing. Very often words can be more hurtful than actually hits. But you can show your love to your parents by thanking them when they do nice things, helping them out sometimes and even just giving hugs or compliments. Actions go a long way. Also, find a person who is like you. It’s very cool to have a person who understands what you are going through and who understands how you live. It’s much easier in this world with a little support from someone other than your parents or family members. The 5th tip is find a selection of music that describes you. It’s sometimes a good idea to have lots of different genres, that way you can have music for every mood. Just be yourself. Try not to judge because you probably wouldn't want to be judged and you don't know what is going on in that person's life. Try to realize that nothing is perfect. When something defeats you, don't cry, but try again and give it your all effort. One of the most important tips is having a circle of close friends. The circle is made up of people whom you can trust and people that have your back no matter what. Develop yourself and don’t stop after you have achieved something. Grow up morally, intellectually and mentally. Finally, be confident and take care about your appearance. People always want to work with someone like that.
I hope that my advice will help you to survive in the rough world. I feel scared about my adult life after school too and I often don’t know what I should do in the future. But I try not to dwell and move forward with easiness.