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Relationships Hotline: Maria Kostenko, 10b

Top 10 Tips to a Teen - How to Survive in the Rough World
Maria Kostenko, 10b

My dear reader, I'm sure you have a problem and need some help. I hope you will find answers for your questions here if you read this article. Teenage years are hard time for all of us. Why? There are several reasons. Firstly, that's because in the beginning of maturation process your body grows at increased rate. Of course, it's scary and you need to explore it again. The second reason is development of the hormonal glands. Hormones are produced in huge number, however, brains can't control them. That's why people surrounding you often complain about your mood changes. You can jump for joy and few minutes later your humour will be spoiled due to an insignificant trifle. The second factor is changing of human outlook at this age.

Teens have new type of thinking as compared with childhood. This is the highest type of thinking, which allows you to understand yourself, your feelings and thoughts, be aware of the atittude of society towards you. Also it lets you to create different hypotheses and think critically. The nature gave us the highest type of thinking, but no one gave the user manual. To understand the psychology of young people helped me the book by the famous rock-musician Dee Snider Survival Course for Teenagers and now I want to give you some tips:

1) Each of us has imperfections and we don't need to concentrate any attention on them. When you learn to love yourself, you will make much more friends because all of us like confident people, especially if we are talking about teens.

2) Next recommendation is relevant for people of all ages. Periodically we face problems: at home, workplace... no matter. If you have a problem, ask yourself "Will it be important next day, week, month, year…?" So most of your 'problems' are just temporary difficulties.

3) If you are 13-18 years old it's very significant for you to communicate with peers. The atmosphere of study process perfectly fits for learning the art of communication. You can read a lot of books about this subject, but if you don't use the authors' advice in practice, it will be impossible to find a common language with others. It's like to learn to dance, sitting on the chair. So communicate, communicate and again communicate!

4) Also it's very important to have trust relationships with parents. If your parents become your friends, it will be easy to live!

5) And my last advice to you my reader! Always stay true to yourself in pursuit of the desired! And always keep human qualities inside yourself!

I will disappoint you, but that was the last tip. If I had more experience (time exactly) in the subject of puberty, I would write more recommendations. But I hope you liked my article and took some notes!