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- Перегляди: 1181
Welcome to Bulgaria with Kate Korolenko, 8a
I would tell you about the most memorable journey in my life. Three years ago my parents and I went on a holiday to Bulgaria. The place impressed me a lot. Bulgaria is famous for its oil-bearing roses, which blossom in the Roses Valley. Products from roses like oil, cream and soap are usually bought by tourists as a gift. Bulgaria is real paradise with its difference. It is perfect place for people who like to combine rest at the sea and sports like skiing. Holiday-makers will never forget rocks and caves, ancient churches and monasteries. I was impressed by magnificent nature, gentle Bulgarian sun, mineral water and mountains. We were lucky to spend a fortnight at this unforgettable holiday destination.
JOIN THE GLOBE TROTTERS: Untouched Switzerland Tour
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- Перегляди: 1046
Welcome to Switzerland with Sofiya Nedbay, 8a
I would like to tell about the most memorable journey in my life. In summer I went on a tour to Switzerland.
The place impressed me a lot. It is famous for gorgeous countryside. It is real paradise with lots of fascinating waterfalls. Visitors to Switzerland will also enjoy interesting guided tours with experienced guides. Holiday-makers will never forget crystal clear lakes and a variety of evergreens. I was impressed by peoples` attitude to nature. We were lucky to spend a fortnight at this unforgettable holiday destination.
DEBATE SUBJECT: Are You In Favour of Or Against Legalization of Same-sex Marriages?
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- Перегляди: 999
THE OBJECTIVES (sadly, but I must admit they were reached only partially):
- students learn the art of persuasion
- students benefit from preparing for debates by developing their research skills and reading about controversial issues to prepare for debates
- students benefit from the experience of speaking in public
- debating in the classroom teaches children about varied viewpoints and opinions
- students learn to think analytically and express themselves clearly
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- Перегляди: 1044
Our expert on Ukrainian legislation D. Kardashev researched the subject dancing in Kharkiv
I would like to start with the concept of LGBT. LGBT or GLBT is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. In use since the 1990s, the term is an adaptation of the initialism LGBT, which was used to replace the term gay in reference to the LGBT community beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s. Activists believed that the term gay community did not accurately represent all those to whom it referred.
The initialism has become mainstream as a self-designation. It has been adopted by the majority of sexuality and gender identity-based community centers and media in the United States, as well as some other English-speaking countries. I firmly believe that our government must legalize the LGBT marriages, and confirming my opinion, I would like to raise some arguments in my essay.
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- Перегляди: 1092
Ira Dmytrychenko, 11b: “I think that legalization of single-sex marriages is unacceptable for our country as the rate of dangerous illnesses will rise, we will have children with inability to build relationships with another gender and a frail generation that could soon lead to the depopulation.”
Do you believe that the future is already here? Will you accept the legalization of the same-sex marriages in our country? I think that this question is quite controversial and I couldn’t come to the decision for a long time. But finally, I managed to. I am against the legalization of single-sex marriages in our country. I’d like to deal with three points in my essay to support my opinion.
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- Перегляди: 1157
Julia Kolchik, 11b: “Our society is definitely becoming more democratic, more tolerant, more humane and more civilized. Just remember, in the 50s, interracial marriage was illegal. But now, modern society considers this to be an unjust law that denied equal rights to couples who loved each other. The issue of gay marriage is not different. Denying marriage to two individuals who love each other is to deny them a fundamental freedom.”
Have you ever thought about the equality, love and meanings of these words? I will try to explain it using the example of same-sex couples. In modern life all people are supposed to have equal opportunities, possibilities, rights and obligations. Our country is not an exception. To have a profound understanding of this question we must know the correct meaning of the word “gay”. Modern science, and sexology, converges on the fact that homosexuality is not a disease and not a deviation, but a form of a person's sexual orientation, equivalent to heterosexuality and bisexuality. It is impossible to "get infected” and it is not connected with gender. That is why the law on "propaganda of same-sex relations" is simply absurd: it is impossible to become homosexual under the influence of fashion or suggestion. My position is the following – if homosexuality is not a disease and not a deviation, same-sex marriage should be legalized. I’d like to deal with three points in my essay to support my opinion.
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- Перегляди: 1127
Maria Kostenko, 11b: “I’d like to say that the freedom of choice is a fundamental right is our time. Both gay and heterosexual couples deserve the legal rights associated with marriage. Love and marriage should be a purely personal choice and government shouldn’t intervene in the private lives of people, dictating who can marry and who can’t.”
Imagine a pair of people, who have amorous feelings to each other. Nonetheless, they can’t be together due to the uncooperative attitude of society. You may think I keep in mind Romeo and Juliet of the 21st century, but no. We are talking about people of the same gender, who must lurk and pretend they have normal sexual orientation. Is not it crazy in our time? The way I see it, everyone should have the right to be themselves. If you are blissful exactly with this person, why should you refuse it? Let’s be honest, in this cruel world you are loner till you find someone, who will be ready to help you even to their own detriment. So if you are gay and are reading this essay, spit right on the opinion of the society and continue to live happily.
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- Перегляди: 1138
Ira Stepanova, 11b: “I know the Right Decision.”
Have you ever thought that other people can do what they want if they do not hurt anyone? Well, I think so. I can answer the question "Should gay marriages be legalized?" easily. To my mind, definitely yes. The way I see it, there is no point in arguing about this. Love is love. We are all humans, we all have our own rights, and we should be able to do what makes us happy, not what makes other people happy. If two people love each other and want to get married they should be allowed to do so regardless of the color, religion, nationality or sex of their partner. You do not choose who you love. Just stop and imagine if you couldn't marry someone with whom you are truly in love. It's not fair at all. Marriage is a human right, and not a heterosexual privilege. Referring to the Hendrik Hertzbergs’ quote: "Marriage should be between a spouse and a spouse, not a gender and a gender".
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 1210
Sincere wishes of happiness to all my 5th, 8th and 11th form pupils and their parents and great thanks to the active participants of our Christmas exhibition:
- Nikita Markin
- Mihail Nikolenko
- Olesya Mashkarenko
- Kira Mihalchuk
- Vlada Borisenko
- Vika Kravchenko
- Dasha Fedorova