Блог учителя англійської мови Литвинової В.А.
My Motherland - Ukraine
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- Перегляди: 2671
"Творчий Всеукраїнський конкурс з англійської мови для учнів "Моя Батьківщина"
"Місце , де я живу, місце, яке я люблю"
Автор: Попова Аліса, учениця 10 Б класу
A man does not choose the place of his birth. I think it is because he has to benefit the place where he was born - to make it better. I really love and appreciate the city in which I have been living since the beginning of my life. I live in one of the largest cities of Ukraine - Nikolaev. It is located on two rivers - the Ingul and the Southern Bug. Nikolaev is a developed city with a deep history of shipbuilding and fleet. It is a pity that now the industry is not developing, though the city itself was built for this. I hope that in the future it will come in action again and the youth
of today will be helping their homeland to regain its former glory. Besides this, there are a lot of talented people, outstanding scientists and artists, our town is a real godsend in terms of culture! This is the place where I have spent all my 16 years - always was, is and will be very important to me. Of course, one of the main reasons is that my friends and relatives live here. I was born in Nikolaev and spent my childhood here and wherever I live in the future I'll remember this place with great warmth and gratitude. In addition, I've done the first steps here, went to the kindergarten and then to the school, learned a lot of new and interesting things. In future I really yearn for improving the living conditions here for other people, for helping my hometown to develop - in whatever corner of the planet I'll be. I can confidently say that there are many advantages of living in this region. One of the main pros is the enormous amount of fertile land, and as a consequence - in the summer we can enjoy a lot of different fresh fruits and vegetables that, unfortunately, are inaccessible to people from many other countries, areas. We have relatively warm climate that I wouldn't trade for any other - rainy and really "golden" autumn, winter with huge amounts of fluffy white snow, birds chirping in the morning, blooming nature in spring, hot and sunny summer is a real paradise for me - you'll never get tired of the changes of this kind. In the Nikolaev area you can find fabulous nature - green forests, wide fields, a huge number of different interesting plants and animals. And the advantage of my hometown, what is already above, is the beauty of two picturesque rivers that flow through the center of the city and everyone can admire a wonderful sunset or sunrise on the bank. The architecture of Nikolaev is marvelous! Probably you've heard about Potemkin and Faleev, who made a great contribution into the evolution of what we call now our native city. They were the first who took part in building our hometown, and they are actually who we can thank for what we have now. There are a lot of magnificent buildings such as theaters, museums here. In my hometown there are three theaters — Nikolaev academic Ukrainian theater of drama and musical comedy, Nikolaev state puppet theatre and Nikolaev academic art Russian drama theater. Besides this you can visit such interesting museums as Nikolaev local history museum and Museum of sheep building and fleet. I can walk down the streets of my city for hours, admiring our prominent architecture, which is actually very alike to English architecture of 19th century. And, of course, one of the most important factors that makes me love my Homeland more and more each day - its warm and friendly people who will always give a helping hand in a difficult situation, their positive and creative thinking inspires me day after day. To cut a long story short, I am deeply fond of the place I live in. I really appreciate what I have and always will try to do everything for my city to make it better.