Повернення Дар'ї Казимир із США за програмою обміну Flex
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- Перегляди: 1414
Дар'я поділилася враженнями та новыми знаннями!
Дар'я Казимир FLEX history
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- Перегляди: 1440
Учні нашої гімназії не тільки вивчають англійську мову, але і проводять самоаналіз своєї роботи за вичену тему!
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- Перегляди: 1582
A self - reflection report on studying English
For the last two weeks we had been working over the unit "Into the eye of the storm". It deals with the natural disasters and mother planet’s fury.
As a conclusion, I can say that my vocabulary knowledge has been enhanced to the most possible point. So in future I will be able to weather the storm while reading a new information (according to this issue) full of unknown words for me.
Probably, the most fascinating part in this unit was learning idioms. I'm sure they will be handy in future. Also, we had a chance to combine idioms with inversion. It seems not understandable at first, yet it's not that hard. Also, it was quite a fun to act “spontaneous” dialogues according to the topic.
I have enhanced my spellings as well. And the last but not the least, I had an opportunity to search for the real reports about natural disasters and prepare the tasks for my classmates.
Vlada Tatarova 11 b
Some days ago we finished studying topic named "Into the eye of the storm". I can say that during the whole unit I did my best and I reached my goal.
Vocabulary work/quiz helped me in understanding the unit better. I feel that I have improved my memory and it gives me more self-confidence. I have had a chance to learn English idioms which are connected with a weather. Now a bit about my fiasco. “Inversion” is the part of Grammar which I didn't understand well but I hope that in near future I will be able to write correctly sentences with inversion.
And last but not the least our group prepared information (reports) about real natural disasters (which occurred on our planet) . It was a useful task as I chose information from a variety of the Internet sources.
Ps It’s always fun to have some roll - playing at the lessons
Vlad Pishak 11 b
My motherland: the place where I live - the place I love the most
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- Перегляди: 3951
"Творчий Всеукраїнський конкурс з англійської мови для учнів "Моя Батьківщина"
"Місце, де я живу, місце, яке я люблю"
Автор: Міняйлов Олег, учень 8б класу
There are almost seven billion people and about two hundred countries on the Earth. Everyone has his/her specific attitude to his/her motherland. I’d like to tell you my personal story of love to MY Ukraine.
Perhaps, you think it started on the day of my birth, as it usually happens. But… No… Much later… Just some years ago, after my first visit abroad.
You know, we often live our daily lives and don’t realize the value
My motherland: the place where I live
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- Перегляди: 10336
"Творчий Всеукраїнський конкурс з англійської мови для учнів "Моя Батьківщина"
"Місце, де я живу, місце, яке я люблю"
Автор: Архиреєва Дар"я, учениця 10 Б класу"
You can choose everything in this world, my son,
But motherland сan't be chosen "
V. Symonenko
If someone asked me why do i love Ukraine, i could answer with a huge
list of reasons, however, do we actually need the reasons to love our
homeland? The place, where we made our first
My Motherland - Ukraine
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- Перегляди: 2664
"Творчий Всеукраїнський конкурс з англійської мови для учнів "Моя Батьківщина"
"Місце , де я живу, місце, яке я люблю"
Автор: Попова Аліса, учениця 10 Б класу
A man does not choose the place of his birth. I think it is because he has to benefit the place where he was born - to make it better. I really love and appreciate the city in which I have been living since the beginning of my life. I live in one of the largest cities of Ukraine - Nikolaev. It is located on two rivers - the Ingul and the Southern Bug. Nikolaev is a developed city with a deep history of shipbuilding and fleet. It is a pity that now the industry is not developing, though the city itself was built for this. I hope that in the future it will come in action again and the youth
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- Перегляди: 1800
"Творчий Всеукраїнський конкурс з англійської мови для учнів "Моя Батьківщина"
"Місце , де я живу, місце, яке я люблю"
"English for me is....."
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- Перегляди: 5383
Ти маєш можливість поділитися своїми досягненнями в вивченні англійської мови!!! Пиши свої ідеї і побач їх саме тут!!!
By Arhereeva Dasha, the 10th Grade
English gives me different opportunities such as reading books in original or watching movies. It trains my memory, develops my mind.
Of course, English language, as any other language, is quite difficult for learning at fist. And I'm not an exception, it was hard for me too. As I remember, when I was In 8th form, I had some problems with grammar or remembering new words, however I'm happy I overcame it and I can surely say it's not such a big deal now.
But what is the most important fact, is that our teachers and our school give us an opportunity to learn English with great pleasure. Different projects help us remove the boundaries between the languages, get out of the comfort zone and just relax. For example, video conferences, Eurovision and Fairy Tales
The Role of English in my personal self-development
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- Перегляди: 1684
Ти маєш можливість поділитися своїми досягненнями в вивченні англійської мови!!! Пиши свої ідеї і побач їх саме тут!!!
By Andrew Gychek, the 9th Grade
As for me, it’s very crucial to study English. The English language helps me to communicate with people all around the world. Secondly it gives me an access to almost any kind of information worldwide.
Knowledge of English gives me lots of opportunities. I can freely travel to any country in the world and I am sure that I’ll find a person who can understand me.
O.Henry`s short stories – just stories or smth more?
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 1832
Ти маєш можливість поділитися своїми досягненнями в вивченні англійської мови!!! Пиши свої ідеї і побач їх саме тут!!!
by Kazimir Dasha, the 9th c
The book is like a garden carried in the pocket. The previous year our teacher suggested us reading and discussing short novels by O.Henry. It was also the way to check our English skills and just to plunge into the atmosphere of New York and its ordinary people, sellers, boarders, artists, idlers and reporters of the 20th century. Firstly, reading the original stories helps me to increase my vocabulary with new words. That is really important in studying language, as I can see which words are wide-spread and commonly used. The books can help me to improve my knowledge of the grammar rules, for example Reported Speech and Passive Voice. Last, but not the least fact is that it develops my knowledge, gives me ideas