Блог учителя англійської мови Литвинової В.А.
My motherland: the place where I live - the place I love the most
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- Перегляди: 3960
"Творчий Всеукраїнський конкурс з англійської мови для учнів "Моя Батьківщина"
"Місце, де я живу, місце, яке я люблю"
Автор: Міняйлов Олег, учень 8б класу
There are almost seven billion people and about two hundred countries on the Earth. Everyone has his/her specific attitude to his/her motherland. I’d like to tell you my personal story of love to MY Ukraine.
Perhaps, you think it started on the day of my birth, as it usually happens. But… No… Much later… Just some years ago, after my first visit abroad.
You know, we often live our daily lives and don’t realize the value
of everything we have got. We go to school, meet with friends, do sports, but we don’t appreciate how happy we are to have all these opportunities. So, for many years, I was an ordinary Ukrainian schoolboy without any strong clear feeling to my country. I just accepted it as the place where I HAD TO live.
Then, one day, I crossed the borders of Ukraine and appeared in a completely new amazing world. I travelled to different countries and everywhere I was impressed by the beauty and magnificence of the nature, architecture, culture. I saw New York City from the roof of the Empire State Building, passed the Statue of Liberty on a boat, enjoyed the beauty of the Caribbean Sea, walked on the famous Charles Bridge in Prague, listened to the legends of Wawel in Krakow, admired the greatness of Vienna and Budapest. And everywhere I thought: “Why? Why am not I lucky enough to be born in such wonderful places?”
But the most important and impressing thing happened to me when I was doing my first steps on the Ukrainian land at the airport of Borispyl after arrival. I suddenly felt a very strong happiness to be at home. My feelings were so bright, so strong and endless! I was full of emotions. I even couldn’t breathe because of them. And I realized I did love my native country, my Motherland, my Ukraine. It gives us a chance to hear the songs of birds, the noise of flowing river, to hear the most valuable words in our life – the words of mother that loves her son or daughter. Motherland gives us a chance to contemplate the beauty of wonderful, amazing, picturesque world around us.
Yes, it’s not perfect enough. Yes, we don’t have such high technologies like in the USA or Japan. Yes, our streets aren’t as clean as in Europe. But we are the future of Ukraine, and we can change it, and can help it recover and become one of the best countries in the world. Ukraine will always be the only place that will meet me and wait for me.
And now I do know that there is no such place like home. Ukraine is the place where I was born and where I CHOOSE to live.
East or West, home is best!