Матерiали конкурсних випробувань минулих рокiв - Англійська мова
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- Перегляди: 11206
Варiант 1
I. Ask 5 questions to the sentence:
\Задайте 5 вопросов к предложению\
She likes to swim.
II. Open the brackets using:
\Раскройте скобки, используя\:
a) Past Indefinite:
1. He (live) in a hot country.
2. They (be) very unhappy.
3. We (have) a very good time at the theatre.
4. The father (make) a new toy for his daughter.
5. They (grow) many beautiful flowers in the garden.
b) Present Indefinite:
1. They (go) boating every day.
2. I (be) tired.
3. He (know) where he can find mushrooms.
4. The mother (give) Peter many tasty things to eat.
5. We (think) she will help him.
c) Present Continuous:
1. She (wear) her red dress.
2. They (cook) a birthday cake.
3. The boys (plant) trees.
4. I (drink) tea.
5. She (laugh).
III. Make a story using all the words:
\Составьте историю используя все слова\
Party, Friends, brought, cake, cooked, ate, played, laughed, songs, tired.
\Written form\ Письменно.
IV. Ответьте на 10 вопросов по теме «Как я провел вчерашний день». Устно.
Варiант 2
1. Ответь на следующие вопросы по теме «Мой выходной день».
1) Do you usually get up early or late on Sunday?
2) When do you usually have breakfast?
3) What do you usually have for breakfast?
4) Do you watch TV in the morning?
5) When do you do your lessons on Monday?
6) With whom do you go for a walk?
7) What games do you play?
8) Did you read a book last Sunday?
9) Did you go to the theatre?
10) Did you play chess last Sunday?
2. Грамматическое задание.
· Поставь 5 вопросов к предложению:
They went to the cinema yesterday.
· Раскрой скобки и поставь глагол в:
- Past Indefinite
- Present Indefinite
- Present Continuous
a) Open the brackets in Past Indefinite
1) He (see) many domestic animals there.
2) A little bird (sit) in a tree.
3) He (buy) a new car.
4) I (give) my presents to Jane.
5) Somebody (knock) at the door.
b) Open the brackets in Present Indefinite.
1) He (get) up at 7 o’clock.
2) Jane (live) in the country.
3) The stars (shine) at night.
4) She (have) a Hum and a Dad.
5) They (be) very clever.
c) Open the brackets in Present Continuous.
1) She (read) now.
2) They (dance) now.
3) Pete (swim) now.
4) The birds (sing) now.
5) The tiger (jump) now.
3. Составь письменно рассказ (не более 10 предложений), используя данные слова:
Cat, fish, present, funny, Granny, gave, was, happy, to play, liked.
Варiант 3
1. Ответь на следующие вопросы по теме «Украина».
1) What country do you live in?
2) How many people live in Ukraine?
3) What is the capital of Ukraine?
4) What is the longest river in Ukraine?
5) What are the highest mountains in Ukraine?
6) How many seas are there in Ukraine?
7) What are the forests full of?
8) What are the fields full of?
10) Do you love Ukraine?
2. Грамматическое задание:
· Поставь 5 вопросов к предложению:
She goes to school №2.
· Раскрой скобки и поставь глагол в:
- Past Indefinite
- Present Indefinite
- Present Continuous
a) Open the brackets in Past Indefinite.
1. They (be) so beautiful.
2. Many different plants (grow) there.
3. The dog (run) after the cat.
4. I (draw) a picture for my Mum.
5. They (like) my presents.
b) Open the brackets in Present Indefinite.
1. He (play) football well.
2. We usually (spend) our holidays at home.
3. Pete (be) a pupil.
4. This dog (have) sharp teeth.
5. We (like) to travel in winter.
c) Open the brackets in Present Continuous.
1. He (do) lessons now.
2. We (dress) up now.
3. Jane (write) a letter now.
4. The boys (play)hockey now.
5. Granny (knit) now.
3. Составь письменно рассказ (не более 10 предложений), используя данные слова:
Party, tasty, cake, danced, watched TV, a lot of, computer, games, John, happy.
Варiант 4
1. Ответь на вопросы по картинке.
1. Is the sun shining?
2. Is it raining?
3. Is it cloudy?
4. Is it hot, cold, chilly?
5. What is the man doing?
6. What is the girl doing?
7. What is the dog doing?
8. What does the man have on?
9. What does the girl have on?
10. What colour is the girl’s dress?
2. Грамматическое задание:
· Поставь 5 вопросов к предложению:
They play football well.
· Раскрой скобки и поставь глагол в:
- Past Indefinite
- Present Indefinite
- Present Continuous
a) Open the brackets in Past Indefinite.
1. He (take) the dog for a walk.
2. There (be) a lot of berries in the forest.
3. Once there (live) a white rabbit.
4. I (thank) Dad for the car.
5. They (eat) the cake.
b) Open the brackets in Present Indefinite.
1. On Sunday we usually (go) to the Zoo.
2. They usually (help) their Mum about the house.
3. She (know) English well.
4. He (have) many friends.
5. His Dad (be) a worker.
c) Open the brackets in Present Continuous.
1. John (watch) TV now.
2. We (play) chess now.
3. The girls (draw) now.
4. I (speak) now.
5. My cat (sleep) now.
3. Составь письменно рассказ (не более 10 предложений), используя данные слова:
Yesterday, school, lessons, had, break, wrote, counted, sang, ran, friends.