Relationships Hotline: Dmitry Lagno, 10b
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Young Generation - Absolutely Impolite and Disorganized???
Dmitry Lagno, 10b
Nowadays we are often told that young generation is absolutely impolite and disorganized. As for me, I partially agree with this opinion as there are various facts that support it.
To begin with, teenagers are reluctant to listen to their parents` advice because teens are absolutely convinced that they are always right and consequently do not need any help. They feel like looking independent and confident but, of course, in fact they can neither live on their own nor manage with all difficulties themselves. Moreover, teenagers are often very selfish and self-absorbed. They think, they are much better than other people. They do not understand that you will be treated by people the way you treat them. In addition, I strongly believe that teenagers` behavior is influenced by mass media. Today most of young people have TV-sets as well as computers with permanent Internet connection in their bedrooms. Therefore, despite the fact that a lot of TV programmes are inappropriate for teens they watch them because few parents actually check up what their children watch. So, programmes containing offensive language, scenes of violence and loud screeches influence teens badly. It is really difficult for children to determine the difference between the reality and the fantasy. Hence, they start imitating the violent behaviour they see in their favourite programmes.
Relationships Hotline: Vlad Lysechko, 10b
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Ask Ryan
Vlad Lysechko, 10b
Hello, my name is Ryan McCartney and I’m a well-known psychologyst from America. You can remember me for such works as My Wife Has Bought Five Cats And She Pays No Attention to Me, I Feel Miserable Cause I Get Less Likes in Instagram Than Earlier and of course I Have a Depression Cause My 15y.o. Boyfriend Broke up with Me. The main goal of this article is to show how hard it is to be a teenager and to give you some useful pieces of advice.
A lot of people say that they miss their adolescence, but they don’t say that being a teenager is simultaneously the hardest time of your life. The life of a teenager is full of tough issues and life-changing decisions. So if you want to have a successfull teenage life you have to follow next steps below.
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- Перегляди: 1247
Гриценко Марина Ігорівна та Богачова Ольга Олегівна
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The winners of the international exchange program FLEX
Anna Gaisha and Lisa Belikova, 9c.
Good luck in the USA!
We’ll be missing you!!!
Looking forward for your MONTHLY news in my blog.
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- Перегляди: 1223
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