Technology: Max Shariy, 10b

Max Shariy, 10b

Today I want to present you an unbelievable gadget, its “Personal Compact Teleport” abridged-PCT.
For starters, let's understand what teleportation is?

Teleportation is the spatial movement of the physical object from one point to another.

The "quantum teleportation" that occasionally gets big press is not the slightest bit like teleportation like you see in sci-fi movies. It turns the quantum state of one particle into the state of another particle (which must destroy the state of the first particle in the process). You need to have exchanged entangled particles before you start. And this happens only by "reading" the state of one particle and sending it (at the speed of light or slower) to the other.

Technology: Roman Schekotov, 11a

Roman Schekotov, 11a

A watch belongs to the group of items, which show status of their owner. There are many types of clocks: sundials, moon dial, electronic watch and so on. However, they use customary time system (1 day=24 hours =1440 minutes=86 400 seconds) which is common all around the world. But, sometimes people want to stand out and for these people is my chindogu-style invention.

This is a mechanical watch but it uses Buddhist cosmology time system (1 day = 4.32 billion years (in si system that’s equal to the Earth’s age). These watches are supposed to be made from gold and engraved in Buddhist style so they accentuate your status and if you are foreigner in Asian region it could help you to show your respect for Asian culture.

Technology: Max Selivanovsky, 10b

Problem of Broken Phones
Max Selivanovsky, 10b

I think all people who like extreme sport have a lot of broken phones or don’t have a proper phone at all. I have found a decision of this problem.

I think that a special telephone MonsterX10000 will solve their problems. This telephone has 10000mAh Battery case with extra sun batteries. There are 32 Gigabytes of memory with extra flash memory. There is a lot of information “How to survive in different situations.” There isn’t a telephone in the world like ours with such characteristics. The telephone has waterproof and shock-proof case. Its screen is covered with diamond layer. It has navigator and the main advantage of our phone is that it has connection everywhere. It has a lot of bots that will help you in hard situations. Bot “Nurse” will propose you the cure for the illness. Bot “Coach” will make you do physical exercises if it thinks you are too weak. Bot “Grandma” will always take care of you. It will look after your clothes, meals and mood. Bot “Cook” will look after your food and will propose some interesting recipes with the products you have.

Technology: Natasha Pakhomova, 11a

Natasha Pakhomova, 11a

I want to present to your attention a new invention called "Paradise". You love to relax in the lap of nature, but you have no way to go to warm countries, so this novelty should interest you. So what is it? At first glance it is a regular sofa, however, if you remove the soft part, you'll be somewhere on the lawn. How does it look?

Quite simple, basically, it is a comfortable place to sleep, but after the transformation it is a cozy lawn for relaxing at home. In this moment you imagine you are in the lap of nature. There is a convenient display at the end of this bed with function including playing the sounds of the birds singing, noise of the forest or the river. There is a function of the rigidity of herbs and the most important thing is that our coverage is not allergic. All of this can be switched using the remote.

Technology: Olga Bogacheva, 11b

New Generation Vacuum Cleaner
Olga Bogacheva, 11b

New generation home appliances are especially beneficial for women. I want to present the vacuum cleaner of new generation. It is a real step in future. Firstly, it is lighter because it is made from plastic, which makes it portable. There is no electrical cord, it works on sun batteries. It contains a scanner to scan your cover to make your vacuuming easier.

There is no hose. It makes vacuuming in distant places easier. The vacuum cleaner contains of a 3-layer filter system to make it more environmentally friendly. Cleaning the air is an additional function. An advantage of this useful appliance is its beautiful design. The price of this vacuum cleaner is $1000.

It makes no sense to say that that tech era unfolds quickly, affecting everyone and spreading deep in our culture.

Technology: Diana Nedbay, 10b

Medicine for Schoolchildren
Diana Nedbay, 10b

I am a fan of technology and decided to invent something useful for schoolchildren.

Imagine, that tomorrow at school will be math test, laboratory in physics, practical work in biology and you hate these lessons, you don`t want to write these tests, so don`t want to go to school. What should you do? I found a super solution! I called it “Illness”. Actually it`s like a medicine that we usually use when we get ill, but it has opposite effect. When you take this medicine, you will conversely get ill. The more pills you take the more ill you`ll get. We have 2 kinds of medicaments. Orange pills must be used for high temperature. It consists of slate-pencil and just a bit sugar to make it tastier. Yellow pills are for getting a cold. They consist of ice pieces in mint candy (it can be “Rondo” or “Halls”). So, at first you`ll eat mint shell and then cold ice that will froze your throat.

P.S. Yellow pills must be kept in a freezer. As a result, mother won`t make you go to school for a few days.

Technology: Diana Nedbay, 10b

Diana Nedbay, 10b

Nowadays events in technology are unfolding very fast. But, what are the benefits and the risks of this progress? And what is better: to live with modern technology or without it? It's very important and popular question in our time. So technology has its own pros and cons.

The main advantage of modern technology is that it makes our life easier. For example, robots and machines can do easy job instead of us. Secondly, we can find any information being at home. We use computers, telephones and it's very handy because of different apps. Thirdly, it helps us to communicate with each other from any place of the world. What is more, we have quick and easy transport. Finally, I consider, that nowadays it's impossible to survive without technology.

Technology: Marina Gritsenko, 11a

Suitcase Scooter
Marina Gritsenko, 11a

The Japanese art of useless inventions is called Chindogu. Some of these real exciting gadgets are ear-ring safety nets. I surfed the net and found out a lot of unusual inventions. The gadget I want to tell about is called. The Malaysian designer James Dyson has presented a conceptual backpack for school students. It is similar to our usual rucksack. Smart Bag is transformed into the cart on castors and in the full-fledged scooter. You can use it with easiness!

Technology: Ira Dmitrichenko, 10b

Lens of Future
Ira Dmitrichenko, 10b

Not all technologies are beneficial. But I think my invention will be useful for mankind. So my invention is called the lens of the future. It will be a micro camera with a micro cheap, which will be embedded into the lens. It will be integrated directly into the lens jacket. Don't worry. It won't spoil your eyesight; therein you will continue to see as usual. “Why do we need it?”, you will ask.

The answer is here. I'm sure everyone was in the situation when we went to beautiful places, but you had forgotten a camera or you were too lazy to take it. This lens will help you in such situations. All that you will need to do is to blink. The sensor is triggered and a photo will be made. Mini adapter will be attached to the lens. With its help you will be able to upload photos to your computer. Hardcore fashion mongers should not worry. These lens will be available in every color you want. Furthermore you will be able to create your design of them.

I hope that this invention will appear in future and it will make our life easier.

Technology: Juli Kolchik, 10b

My Invention
Juli Kolchik, 10B

I am very interested in technology and decided to invent my own device. It's called photo glasses. I have only seen them in movies. In the movies I have seen how these eyeglasses determine the name of the person who stands in front of you. Can you imagine that eyeglasses have a built-in camera?

I’d like to describe this gadget. Everyone knows that one eye contains 107 million cells; they are sensitive to light, so the glass will be covered with a special coating. This special coating will protect eyes from the flash, which appears when you take photos. To take a photo you need to say a word “photo” and sharply close your eyes.