Virtual tour to Britain: Julia Tsvetkova, 10b

By Julia Tsvetkova, 10b

I have read the book under the title The How To Be British Collection. The authors of the book are Martin Ford and Peter Legion. That is a funny set of postcards dealing with the most common stereotypes of British culture, such as the weather, pronunciation, pets, fish and chips, tea and so on.

The first part is the introduction. It tells about Britain in general. The author also tells about himself and about differences of the British from other people.

Virtual tour to Britain: Sofia Skrebtsova, 11a

By Sofia Skrebtsova, 11a

Reading the wonderful humorous book under the title HOW TO BE BRITISH COLLECTION I suddenly understood I have much in common with the ideas and views of the British.

The Telephone Box

This chapter shows that people are contradictory creatures. Don’t they remember how they all wanted to own up-to-date telephones? Now each person can take his own cellphone and get in touch with friends or parents anytime and anywhere. But where is romance? Really.

Virtual tour to Britain: Daniel Kardashev, 10b

By Daniel Kardashev, 10b

31. Shopping

When I was reading this chapter, I was really shocked… The British invented the idea of the fixed price to avoid the embarrassment caused by bargaining for things. They do not like pushy sales assistants, which is why shopping in hot countries can be such an ordeal for Brits. The author recommends visitors NEVER TO TRY to beat down the price of an article. He even advises the visitor to Britain to pay a little more than the asked price. It’s unbelievable! Is it true or is it famous British humour? In my country, there are a lot of people who will be looking for a lower price to save3 or 4 hryvnas.


Translation Contest

Translation Contest

На підтримку ініціативи Президента України «2016 – Рік англійської мови в Україні» учні 10-Б і 11-А класу взяли участь у Першому регіональному конкурсі перекладачів. Фіналістами конкурсу стали Даніїл Котов 10-Б і Андрій Удотов 11-А, і обидва посіли перше місце, тим самим в черговий раз підтверджуючи неабиякі здібності, якими володіють учні другої гімназії.

Total Dictation

Total Dictation

Для учнів 5-7 класів було проведено «Тотальний диктант» - конкурс на найграмотнішого учня. Вітаємо переможницю серед учнів 7 класів Недбай Софію, яка не зробила жодної помилки!!! Брижатий Роман, Шамян Артур (7а) та Корінний Владислав (7в) також показали гарні результати.

Spelling Hunt

Spelling Hunt

В рамках «Тижня англійської мови» для учнів 5-7 класів було проведено квест «Spelling Hunt». Досвідченні мисливці з задоволенням вийшли на полювання.

Shakespeare Lessons

Shakespeare Lessons

14 грудня оголошено Днем англійської мови у загальноосвітніх навчальних закладах України. У цій день відбулися уроки англійської мови, присвячені пам’яті видатного поета і драматурга Вільяма Шекспіра. Особливо цікавими були інсценування уривків з безсмертної п’єси «Ромео і Джульєтта», в яких взяли участь учні 10-Б, 11-А, 11-Б класів.


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2016 – the year of English in Ukraine

Bookcrossing: Arthur Shamyan, 7a

The Adventure of the Speckled Band
Arthur Shamyan, 7a

Recently I have read the book The Stories about Sherlock Holmes. There are many interesting stories in this book but I want to tell about my favorite story The Adventure of the Speckled Band. Dr. Watson said: "Of all cases this one was the most exciting".

Their client was Helen Stoner. She said that she was afraid to death. She was very unhappy and tired. Her face was very white. She had frightened eyes. She was a young woman about thirty, but her hair was grey. She lived with her sister Julia and her stepfather. Her stepfather liked Indian animals. He had a cheetah and a baboon. His only friends were gypsies. One night her sister died under strange circumstances. Before she died she had said that it was the band, the speckled band.

Bookcrossing: Sasha Bobrova, 7c

Seven-Day Magic
Sasha Bobrova, 7c

On these holidays I read the book Seven-Day Magic by the famous writer Edward Eager. This book is very interesting and cool and I like everything in it.

The book tells us about five children like us. One day they went to the library to borrow some fantasy books to read and found a magic book which granted wishes. Children agreed to take turn to make wishes. Every wish took all children to an in interesting adventure where they tested courage, love to their family, friendship and logic. But most of all I liked the following adventure.