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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Polina Ivanova, 9c

I Can`t Imagine How Someone Can Fail With Such A Teacher
By Polina Ivanova, 9c

All people meet a lot of teachers through all their lives at schools, at colleges, at universities and so on. Some of them we like more, others less. I want to tell you some words about one of my favourite teachers. Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Olga Myhailovna is the one I admire most. She has been teaching me physics for three years.

I`ll never forget the first time I met her. We began to learn physics in 7-th form and Olga Myhailovna became our teacher. Some pupils didn`t like her so much but I took to her at once. It wasn`t long before I realized how kind and cheerful she was. Somebody may loathe her but I admire Olga Myhailovna because in my opinion she possesses many qualities essential for a good teacher. She has a good sense of humour. She jokes a lot to liven her lessons which are never boring. Olga Myhailovna is very creative and always tries to make our lessons more interesting. She is respectful towards pupils. I am really amazed at her patience because we aren`t always quiet. Sometimes she loses temper but still tries to hold her temper and not to shout at us but can make sarcastic comments about naughty pupils.

WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Alice Golovchenko, 9a

The Teacher I Admire Most
By Alice Golovchenko, 9a

Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Oksana Viktorovna is the one I admire the most. She has been teaching me the German language for 4 years.

I`ll never forget the first time I met her. Her son was my classmate, so she went with him on trips with our class. I thought she was very cheerful, kind, sincere, cheerful. When I learned that she would teach me German, I was very happy. I took to her at once. But it was long before I realized how clever and kind she was. She possesses such qualities essential for a good teacher as tolerance, patience and she is reasonably strict. I am really amazed at her creativity and unbelievable energy. I appreciate her enthusiasm and organization. I also adore her sense of humour and reasonably demanding. She sets a good example for us because she is firm, supportive, understanding, respectful and fair.

WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Sasha Bobrova, 9c

After Her Lessons My Mood Usually Rises
By Sasha Bobrova, 9c

Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Tatiana Leonidovna is the one I admire the most. She has been teaching me Ukrainian language and literature for 5 years.

I`ll never forget the first time I met her. She introduced herself as our form mistress and I took to her at once. She seemed to me so patient and her calm voice cheered me up. The excursion about the grammar school, which she conducted, was very interesting, so I understood that she loved children. It wasn`t long before I realized how supportive and fair she was. Tatiana Leonidovna possesses such qualities essential for a good teacher as creativity, good sense of humor, tolerance, work experience and unbelievable energy. I respect her because she is reasonably strict. She can be furious at times, but she calms down very quickly.

WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Lisa Streseva, 9c

My Favorite Teacher in Grammar School 2
Created by Lisa Streseva, 9c

Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Tatiana Leonidovna Shkabura is the one I admire most. She has been teaching me the Ukrainian literature and language for 4 years. Also she is our form mistress.

I`ll never forget the first time I met her. She came to visit us when we were in the 4th form. I took to her at once. It wasn`t long before I realized how enthusiastic and funny she was.

WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Alina Kovalenko, 9C

Overwhelmed With Feelings
By Alina Kovalenko, 9C

  Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Tatyana Leonidovna is the one I admire most. She has been teaching me the Ukrainian language and literature for four years.

I’ll never forget the first time I met her. It happened in 2014 when we entered grammar school; I remembered this day for the whole life. We were overwhelmed with feelings; everyone was both excited and scared at the same time. After the first bell, we were brought to our classroom, the first lesson was the Ukrainian language taught by our form mistress Tatyana Leonidovna. I took to her at once. It wasn’t long before I realized how organized and supportive she was. Since that time my first impression has not changed, I got to know her closer and I can say with confidence that Tatyana Leonidovna is a creative teacher with unimaginable energy. I respect her for the fact that I can turn to her for help at any time.

WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Ani Kupradze, 9c

The Teacher I Admire Most
By Ani Kupradze, 9c

Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Tatyana Leonidovna is the one I admire most. She has been teaching me Ukrainian literature for 4 years.

I`ll never forget the first time I met her. It was in 4th grade. She said that she would be our form mistress. I took to her at once. It wasn`t long before I realized how firm and fair she was. She possesses such qualities essential for a good teacher as creativity, patience, tolerance. I respect her because she has an unbelievable energy. She is supportive but she is reasonably strict. I appreciate her because not all teachers can tell jokes to liven the lesson. She sets a good example for us because she is organized and she is always ready for our lessons while our students sometimes don`t want to do HW.

WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Anhelina Dikina, 9a

My Favourite Teacher
Written and illustrated
by Anhelina Dikina, 9a

I don’t know people who adore school, but I know teenagers who like school because their friends are there and one teacher who teaches favorite subject. I also don’t like to learn what I don’t understand; these are such subjects as physics, chemistry, and mathematics. I love all humanities, where I can translate my ideas into writing or drawing, show my imagination. But unfortunately teachers don’t give us the opportunity to do it.


FUTURE SCHOOL: Sasha Bobrova, 9c

It`s Just My Guess
Foreseen by Sasha Bobrova, 9c

  The more science develops the better and easier our existence becomes. In hundred years’ time our society will have changed a lot, especially, schools.

To my mind schools of future will be larger and brighter, with technologically equipped classes. Corridors and halls will be filled with fantastic colors, and huge monitors will be showing ads and useful information for learning. Drones and robots will be helping with cleaning, fixing system and guarding territory. Instead of boring posters, students will see 3d holograms with the greatest scientists and nature. Lessons will become funnier and more interactive, I believe. Also study will be based on practice more than on theory, as world will need specialists and it will be easier to remember. Desks will be adjusted for each pupil, which will make learning more comfortable. However, I think that excursions in the past will not have been made by that time.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Andrey Yelantsev, 9c

Improved Education for Schoolchildren
By Andrey Yelantsev, 9c

After reading the story by Isaac Asimov The Fun They Had, I began to imagine the school of the future differently.

I think the school of the future will be very different from the modern school. Perhaps the children will have distance learning, which will give time for the realization of the creative and sporting interests of the child.