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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Zhenya Pugach, 9c

I Really Want To See the School Of Future
By Zhenya Pugach, 9c

  Have you ever thought what school will be like in 100 years’ time? I think that a lot of things will have changed... But in which way? Will children be going to school or will they be studying at home?

First of all, to my mind children won’t carry books and notebooks instead of this they will have tablets or laptops. Secondly, I think that in schools there will be no more teachers because they will be replaced by robots. Thirdly, a lot of classrooms will be improved so pupils will have a better opportunity to study well. Finally, I believe that it will be better if robots or teachers do not give marks because some children get very upset and then they will have no wish to study well.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Dasha Pavlova, 9c

Only Time Will Tell
By Dasha Pavlova, 9c

  The most important years of life a person spends in school. It is here that he finds true friends, is determined in the choice of his hobbies, receives knowledge. Each person spends a lot of time at school at the beginning of his life. I think the school of the future will not be very different from our "old school" but still something will change.

First of all, I think that the schools will monitor the health of children and there will be more lessons in the fresh air. Also in schools there will be swimming pools where children can have a swim. Children will eat the right food that will be given in lunch boxes in the dining room, instead of buns and juices.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Ani Kupradze, 9c

Schooling Will Change
Predicted by Ani Kupradze, 9c

  It is interesting to reflect on what the school will be like in the future. I cannot say that I don’t like the modern one at all. And yet it seems to me that once, after many decades or even centuries, schooling will change. It is difficult to imagine what our future will be like. Therefore, I want to dream about what the school will be like in 50 years’ time.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Alina Kovalenko, 9c

Better Equipped and More Comfortable Schools
Written by Alina Kovalenko, 9c

  It is interesting to reflect what the school will be like in the future. It seems to me that one day, after many decades or even centuries, school will change a lot. It is difficult to imagine what our future will be like. Furthermore, I want to dream about what the school will be like when a person discovers the secrets of science unknown today.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Polina Ivanova, 9c

It’s Very Interesting to Imagine
Written by Polina Ivanova, 9c

  I want to tell you some of my assumptions about the schools of the future. I think that sometimes it’s very interesting to imagine what will happen to us or with our children and even grandchildren after 50 or 100 years. Let’s try to think what school will be like for example in 2125.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Illia Khilko, 9c

Let's Dream a Little
Written by Illia Khilko, 9c

  Sometimes school classes and large homework make us feel bored. And sometimes I want to dream about what schools will be like in the future. So let's dream a little.

Instead of a primitive school building there will be a multi-storey skyscraper. In each class there will be advanced equipment. I’m sure all the students’ equipment will be replaced with gadgets. In school canteens will cook like in the best restaurants in the world. At long breaks, students will fly to other countries to speak to foreign friends. What is more, students will return home on jetpacks.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Larisa Sharapova, 9a

How Do I See the School of the Future?
By Larisa Sharapova, 9a

  I can tell a lot on this topic, though I can’t imagine what exactly will happen. But I can say for sure that for our grandparents our educational system is already something new (for example, 100% of classrooms have a computer, printer, projector or TV). Previously, our grandparents had no idea what it would be like. Well, now I can fantasize a bit and present the school of the future based on the current education system.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Alice Holovchenko, 9a

I Hope in the Future My Children Will Study In New School
Predicted by Alice Holovchenko, 9a

In our time all children hate school, because it is the place, where you sit at the lessons for long hours, do homework till midnight and haven’t got time for your hobby. On the other hand, our schools have pros: you find good friends and it is also a sort of dating service. We all dream about better school in the future. My imagination went loose and here are some ideas about school which my children will probably attend.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Sofiya Nedbay, 9a

My Dreams
Predicted by Sofiya Nedbay, 9a

Have you ever thought about the school of future? I often have, and now I want to share my dreams with you.

To begin with, my school of future will be light and neat. However, it will be much smaller than ours and that is why there will be fewer children, as a consequence, they will know each other. It is much easier for teacher to explain information for a little group of people that consists of 20 pupils or less. It means that teacher will have more time for each pupil lessons will be shorter and there will be no homework. The time which we have always used for doing our home task will be spent on excursions and trips to marvelous places of our country.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Ivan Laso, 9a

The Fun They Will Have
Predicted by Ivan Laso, 9a

  I want to tell you about schools in future. I hope that in the future the attitude to school will be different.

The most dramatic change will be the following. People will have a strong belief that children are the most valuable “human capital” and that education is the most attractive sector for investments! A schoolteacher will become the most prestigious profession. As a result, the competition will be very strong and the selection of candidates will be fair and transparent. Only a talented, wise, kind and intelligent person will be able to get an employment in school. Schoolteachers will be honored and respected by everyone. Their remuneration will be much higher than in any commercial sector.