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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

Звіт фонду за жовтень 18 року

Форми методичної роботи




Свідоцтво про атестацію гімназії

WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Roman Bryzhatiy, 9a

The Teacher I Admire Most
by Roman Bryzhatiy, 9a

  Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Irina Volodymirovna is the one I admire most. She has been teaching me the Ukrainian language for 5 years. I’ll never forget the first time I met her. I took to this teacher at once. Irina Volodymirovna understood that we were a little bit confused because we had recently transferred to secondary school. She helped us to adapt in secondary school and gave us some advice. It wasn’t long before I realized how organized and reasonably strict she was. She possesses such qualities essential for a good teacher as tolerance, creativity and enthusiasm. I appreciate that Irina Volodymirovna is firm, fair, supportive and respectful. I adore that our Ukrainian language teacher has sense of humor.

WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Liza Parnak, 9c

Don’t Tell Anyone Please!
By Liza Parnak, 9c

  Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Tatyana Leonidovna is the one I admire most. She has been teaching me the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian literature, also she has been organizing different out-of-class activities since the fifth form as she is our form mistress.

  I met Tatyana Leonidovna when I was in the fourth form. She came to our class and told that she would be our form mistress in grammar school, then I thought that she was about twenty-five, but later it turned out that she was about forty. Also I remember that on one of the first lessons she said that she had an incomprehensible handwriting, but I think that her handwriting is quite understandable. When she came for the first time I thought that she was quite adequate, now after 4 years of study, I can say with confidence that she is the best class teacher. I am really amazed at her unbelievable energy and creativity. I appreciate her because she can take criticism, but I don’t like that sometimes she is too self-critical. Also I respect her because she is reasonably demanding in subjects that she teaches.